Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Completed · 8044 Vistas
444 Capítulos · 24 Lectores
2.5 (2 reviews)

Resumen de la novela

See the wizarding war from the perspective of the participants -

Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, a second-year professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Harry Potter, gained the memory of the plot, and successfully broke the legendary position curse and was re-elected.

Do not follow the original plot development, rigorous, non-washing, non-black, normal orientation.

See how a young professor teaches and educates people, and after baptism, becomes the true backbone of the Order of the Phoenix.

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  • Harry Potter’s Defense Professor
  • 哈利波特的防御术课教授
Fecha De Adición11 de abril de 2022
El autor
Semana Rank#4596
Mes Rank#6952
Todas Rank#7225
TagsTransmigration,Harry Potter