First Secret Agent in History


396 Capítulos
1698 Vistas
10 Lectores
Completed · 1698 Vistas
396 Capítulos · 10 Lectores
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Resumen de la novela

x The lunatic asylum exploded, the director Yun Zhonghe crossed, 29 genius mental patients entered the brain, making him have 29 weird talents! Join the Undercover Agents in the Undercover Enemy for three years and three years. If I do not restore my status, I will become the Emperor of the enemy!


  • First Secret Agent in History
  • 史上第一密探
Fecha De Adición25 de julio de 2023
El autor
Semana Rank
Mes Rank#7914
Todas Rank#8022
TagsActing,Adopted Protagonist,Anti-social Protagonist,Antihero Protagonist,Apathetic Protagonist,Betrayal,Calm Protagonist,Comedic Undertone,Confident Protagonist,Evil Protagonist,Genius Protagonist,Male Protagonist,Multiple Identities,Multiple Personalities,Proactive Protagonist,Psychic Powers,Psychopaths,Shameless Protagonist,Time Skip