Daxia monopolizes high-end quantum chips, which is not conducive to technological innovation! -- "New York Times" Junguo's controllable nuclear fusion, neon begs for it! ——"Asahi Shimbun" Gu Qing: These are all high-end technologies, and you need to pay more. By the way, Neon should develop tourism well, and import energy from Daxia.
Títulos |
Estado | Ongoing |
Fecha De Adición | 9 de agosto de 2023 |
El autor | |
Género | sci-fi,urban-life |
Semana Rank | #2466 |
Mes Rank | #2212 |
Todas Rank | #1400 |
Tags | Futuristic Setting,Male Protagonist,Scientists,System,Technological Gap |