Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!


460 Capítulos
27516 Vistas
43 Lectores
Ongoing · 27516 Vistas
460 Capítulos · 43 Lectores
4.3(6 reviews)

Resumen de la novela

"Mr. You Xuan, many people believe that the current environment in the dueling world is becoming more and more underworld, and the mainstream of autistic traps is prevalent. This is because you, as the new generation of duel king, have brought a distorted trend. What do you think of this statement?" A reporter asked during the interview. "Slander! Proficient slander!" You Xuan expressed anger at this statement. "Why do you think I was the one who misled you?" "This is what a duel is supposed to be like!"


  • Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • 谁让他玩游戏王的!
Fecha De Adición22 de abril de 2024
El autor
Semana Rank#5196
Mes Rank#3511
Todas Rank#2922
TagsCard Games,Male Protagonist,Yu-Gi-Oh!