Practicing magical skills by mistake will cause chaos in the world


350 Capítulos
10049 Vistas
27 Lectores
Ongoing · 10049 Vistas
350 Capítulos · 27 Lectores
3.3(3 reviews)

Resumen de la novela

"Have you heard? There is a new demon in the world?" "But that old stone demon who claims to have astonishing wisdom?" "Yes, that's the devil! That devil has great martial arts skills. He often uses a wrong secret book to make the entire sect go crazy! And he takes pleasure in it!" "That's what I heard too! The devil is really crazy!" Half a magical secret book opens Shi Feizhe's path to martial arts! When he became invincible and everyone shouted for beating, he faced the rumors and angrily said: "What? Did I practice wrongly?" "No way! Absolutely not!" "With the same technique, I'm obviously stronger!" "If you can't practice, that's because you're not talented enough. It's your problem! It's you who are wrong!" "No one knows how to practice martial arts better than me!"


  • Practicing magical skills by mistake will cause chaos in the world
  • 错练神功,祸乱江湖
Fecha De Adición21 de mayo de 2024
El autor
Semana Rank#5578
Mes Rank#7224
Todas Rank#5510
TagsMagic,Male Protagonist