~414.0 hour of reading·24841 chapter read
Oct 19, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #789


Warhammer III
Jul 22, 2024
series gives big china numba 1 energy except an odd degree of nationalism and racism against non Han Chinese
Wizard of science
Jun 30, 2024
it's a solid 4 star novel IMO its a basic science in magic world novel where the MC is a scientist trying to figure out how the fuck magic even exists. the author does a decent job describing actual scientific formulas so they at least paid attention in the STEM classes of their education. the sisters don't play any role that I have seen in the novel beyond being background characters so its not one of the shitty "super powerful sisters love me because reasons" bull that came outa china in mass a few years ago. its a genuinely good book and I recommend it to people who want to read about magic and science interacting.
this author has a type of book they like to write and that happens to be mc is somehow linked to 40k and now must grow strong and build army
the story is kinda confusing
that ending is vile and heart breaking even if I saw it coming
Witcher's Atelier
Jun 18, 2024
the novel is confusing to me it seems like the author doesn't know what they want to do with the story. for clarification I stopped reading at chapter 162 so I have no idea if it gets any better