~6.1 hour of reading·366 chapter read
Jun 25, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #8385


The good stuff: Awesome plot. It follows canon at the start but diverges later on. Even though the MC is OP, it doesn’t feel ridiculous since he scales with other OP characters in the fic. No annoying, typical isekai system skill nonsense. The MC is not unsure of himself, doesn’t have moral dilemmas, and is well-written. The bad things: Some parts are very confusing because of the grammar. Sometimes sentences don’t make any sense, and names are simply replaced and changed at random. (This is the reason why it’s not 5 stars; it’s really annoying and confusing from time to time.) I don’t like the ending. It’s not bad, but it’s too open in my personal opinion. No romance (thats a ME issue)