~18.8 hour of reading·1129 chapter read
AmanisesLv. 2
Oct 3, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #10722


Perks & Levels
520 / 3650


Read 63Ch. #57
Boring. At first it seems fun and cute, the first 40-50 chapters, but it quickly gets boring. Nothing new happens in the plot, only the situation is contrived as members of the Jing family hear the voice of MC, and react accordingly. The main character herself is absolutely not an interesting character. 200+ chapters to read about a hero who is a salted fish, no impressive skills, no ambitions. All she cares about is eating deliciously and lying at home. There is no intrigue at all, expectations from the plot are also impossible to find. What to expect? Another internal monologue? Or romance, which is extremely cliche and boring. In general, after you get tired of the same thing, the novel loses any appeal and becomes boring. 3\5 for the initial chapters, but even for a novella to read with a dead brain and relax, this is still too weak.
Read 508Ch. #488
Read 243Ch. #738