~72.6 hour of reading·4355 chapter read
Apr 18, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #3620


good novel, trust me and give it a try. if u like decently fast lvling speed mc with cool summons trust me this is good.
honestly it was good until his views were revealed to be that china is the only humans , like how is this even nationalism anymore, ive never ever seen that phrase. i sincerely hope mr or miss author u remove racism because honestly i love this novel but the racism is not needed. *few chapters after this comment i have changed my mind this novel is horrendous, read chapter 1023 and u will understand. i hope to god author ur in a mental hospital cause u need a fact check.
Virus Throne
Jul 23, 2024
it has so potential but then the China is the only race to survive ruined it, like c'mon man , genuinely why?
hey the two new chapters are buggy