~121.0 hour of reading·7258 chapter read
Feb 28, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #3658


This was Fun for a While, And I Genuinely Loved it For quite a While, To the point that I was Patient enough to read All 519 Chapters However Please do note, It's genuinely saddening to See the Quality Drop So Much. I'd say, After 460+ Chapters, The Quality, In stark contrast to it's Original Quality, Will Be the same Contrast as Comparing a Torch to a Sun, With The torch having Unresolved Plotlines Even until the Fucking end That should've been resolved in like the first 400 Chapters, Some of them Should've been Resolved Sooner than 300 Chapters! Heck, The only Resolved Plotlines are the ones That DIRECTLY Occur to HIS world, Which is Insane! CONSIDERING HE HAS SIMULATOR! And there are also Plotlines that are not resolved that occur because of him but, in his own world. Man, How the hell did the author not Complete at Least 25% Of the Plotlines? I mean, Some of it were from a Simulator in Which his Simulated self Was Influnced by A Past Simulation where he saved a World, oh dear, I'm so~ Fucking Saddened By this Novel that it's honestly depression inducing. Anyways, Recommend reading it for a Short While, probs ~300 Chaps is a good Stop, Don't Recommend Reading for more Than 440+ Chapters Though, It'll slowly Unfurl Why I was frustrated enough to Write a Paragraphs Long Rant, It Gets so Stale, It makes Spoiled Milk Taste like Chocolate Milkshake in Comparison! My main Interest was the Simulations after all, The interactions in the Simulations and all that, So anyways I agree with these other Reviews, A Lot, I can forgive the Text Simulations not showing, But man, Why is the Mc so Single-Minded in getting powerful? Why? Just Why? It's a want That's Useless For the Story After he Reached 9th Level. In My eyes After the 9th Level, He should've focused on Something else and Maybe make Power a Secondary Objective, For Something Like, Exploring the other worlds because he has a Simulator, And to Pass Boredom, And to gain Knowledge, Even if It's Tiny and Useless in Terms of Pursuing his goal of Power.
Rating from chapter 401/883, This was kinda a fun novel, At least for a short while, I knew some Plot points and Characters were Underdeveloped, But since it was used to pass time, It was Kind of ignored by me, It's an... Alright novel to read, If you wanted to pass time that is, Anyways, It's not The shit, It's a terrible Novel Imo, The characters were supposed to be the strong points, But damn did they fail to meet The standard, I mean, They did for a short while, But then it dropped in quality.
It is a High-quality novel, but in the end, I got a bit sick of the nationalism which appears a bit after fifty or so chapters, read to Chapter 140, and I gotta say, my tolerance has lowered over the years of reading Chinese novels, as this amount of nationalism is very low in comparison to Most with such a thing.