~567.1 hour of reading·34026 chapter read
Apr 18, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #488


Would be better if MC marry dozens of wives and start his own family with only his descendants from scratch. Right now, it's less like family more like village with different lineage, not very United.
Good story, smart MC but his family holds him back, presence of sister(resource leecher) is annoying, I am sure his sister will be use to drive the plot further in later part of the story.
It has comedy tag, we know how bad comedy is in Chinese novels. MC keeps making fool of himself, never does anything seriously.
MC seems intelligent, Scheming but he is letting protagonist grow, he doesn't even know which kind of golden finger he has. Author seems reluctant to make MC a Protagonist hunter.
Initial plot of sect mater not believing just doesn't add up. How she be so stupid and still be a sect master, if she was this stupid she would have loosen that position long ago. Of course, logic is taboo in Chinese novel.
TRASH !! MC transmigrated and become father of someone else!! 😆.. Now he is basically taking care of someone else's child and wife. MC should have just left the family after giving some alimony to wife and children.
Not for me, plot setting is such where MC will have to play the hero.
Don't like the character of MC. MC sacrificed himself for his sister whom he met for 6 months. He is good human but good MC often end up becoming naive, emotional TRASH in Novels. Also Sister often end up becoming just a Burden and resource sucker. There was no need to introduce a sister in this plot.
MC is lacking emotionally, he got angry at wen guy. Rush through to avenge him,killed Li ji badit thief. But it was dangerous, he didn't have absolute advantage, he risked his life to avenge someone else which was stupid, he could have done it later.
TRASH .. This little guy with not much power is acting Hero, these people would die thousand times without plot Armor and ... Yes it is old novel with new cover.