It is good Naruto fanfic novel where no romance and mc focus on only his progress but author is not giving time to rest to mc and also he is Nerf the mc for example against mist shinobi ninja mc has 18-19 physical 20 spirit and if we can see accordingly mangyakyo 15 number is basically stating kage level and his swordmanship level is also 6 or 7 but he struggling to deal with Turemei again and again and author justify to say that enemy crack his jutsu another example is he just show his flying jutsu and next day enemy almost got him by crossing by the help of Aoi bakuyagan so my point is even if you know enemy just or talent it's not easy to take them down under absolute advantage like white fang mostly famous for his swordmanship so why not enemy bombers him through long range jutsu and kill him and might guy mostly know physical jutsu but enemy can't beat him under normal circumstances
So Author please stop limiting mc powers and show him op like according to his golden fingers