~514.2 hour of reading·30850 chapter read
Jun 15, 2022 Joined
All time reader rank #575


Fully caught up, can say that for a translation it's pretty good. Though there are things to complain about it's a lot more mild compared to most other Chinese LN.
Was good, great even, but once I got halfway an 'incident' happend that doesn't really make sense for the protagonist and it really pi*sed me off so I'ma stop reading. Though some may say it's fine, something that's normal for idols. I would agree if they didn't have a fu*king system. Idk if it affects him later on, probably won't but it honestly just gives me an ick as in the story it says several times that the protagonist is different from others then this sh*t happens. Though it's probably only a one time thing and probably doesn't matter. Though for the type of series it is I would give it a good 8/10 if I was to not take the 'incident' into account.(Stopped at ch. 256 btw)
Pretty good, though the end was very abrupt.
I agree with bbyfdfd, although to me it is really good. I do wish that the pacing was faster. I feel like I'll be on chapter 300 by the time midterms start =⁠_⁠=. Though the humor is pretty good and the way the characters are portrayed is pretty good. There are some translation errors like the main characters name being said like 6 different ways, but let's be honest that's how most Chinese translation's are. Hope more will be posted soon, really good past time. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Spoilers////////////////////////// 7/22/24 Also Cyberspace- He opened the shop, yes for money but mainly for his chef class. He does things mainly for his class's and the skills that come with them. Yes, he makes money off of some of them, great. Bc that was his initial problem that needed to be solved, now he has enough to start living comfortable and can spend time with family and friends. Why criticize him for taking breaks when he- ¹ has to go to school, magority of day gone, ² Opens his Cafe to sell goods to others, ³ the recent writing class which he still has to somehow make time for. His schedule is tremendously full , just because he isn't focusing on the shop u criticize him, when he has so many to pay attention to. He's doesn't care about money that much anymore as compared to class's and skills so of course his attention is going to deviate from the shop. While I somewhat agree that he shouldn't necessarily need to give all the stuff for free, she - ¹ Became his friend, ² Loaned him cash when he needed it, ³ It's a slife of life what do u expect. While I do agree he is basically numb to some emotions(love). Also why ain't bro ever make a 5 star review? I mean I get that the novels on here aren't way up there in terms of quality but you should rate them based on overall site quality. (Personal opinion) Like I'm not gonna be rating novels on here based on my official sites standards like webnovel or some others. I mean, I get having an overall standard for everything but damn, never a 5 star review is crazy.
Really like it. Started at 4am and ending at 6pm😮‍💨. Can't wait for more.
So far so good. Can't wait for more.
It was pretty decent but the ending has left me majorrly unsatisfied. It felt extremely rushed and inconvenient timing to end the story
A very confusing novel but it is a semi-decent past time. I read it all and I'm just gonna say good luck.
The story itself is something entirely different from the summary. Not even related to anything the summary said .
Very good so far. The Idea of being a rancher was new for me, at least in the Pokemon world. I like it and would recommend as a pass time. When I reach the last chapter so far, for me, I was actually a little disappointed that there wasn't more. Though the pokemon names are all screwed up.