~232.0 hour of reading·13920 chapter read
Nov 15, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #1560


the novel have a very generic outlook but be aware that generic does not mean bad!199 here there's no deadbeat enemy, people does not act like a kid all the time even if he lived for centuries. the mc is not afraid of "giving soup" if it means he can eat "meat"! if you can "give" like one spirit stone to someone (pass some small cheat-ability) and be paid in 10, why not do it? this is one of the main point that most authors fails to realize and make the mc go from qi refiner to even nascent soul laboring like a stupid person "because" is supposed that only "him can do it" and to make worse: is only successful because of plot armor. this alone is a huge plus Now the BAD side,there are TWO big problems first:translation, the mtl real bad.. and i do mean a LOT this makes the quality decreases a lot. second: the author lacks ability in writing, developing plot. some things are not well-thought-out, so this leaves troubles and problems in the story telling. is not exactly a "plot hole" but a problem with the writing itself, like too much "bullsh*t"! update ~200 the author started to spell some bullsh*ting, so the quality decreased, for example he started to TRY to push the mc from foundation to golden core in a few decades, and he is making a mess and bullshting left and right to make that happen. 1 be aware that the "rule" of advancing to foundation before 60 is pretty much true in this story.. it was talked-introduced dozen times and even the MC only reached completion of QI refiner at 50's. but after foundation the author is losing his grasp; reaching golden core will be even faster... he is making the mc become immortal cultivator, a "earthly" immortal type character with incense, a wizard.. and to make it worse: everything seems simple to work and very worry free! in learning-doing it if he was so good in learning, he should have Not wasted 60 years and even "fail" in building foundation because he could not "complete" some BASIC steps! -1 star, is really becoming a mess.
about the book: the author focus on interpersonal relationship and this shows some level of writing abilities from him, it does not feel "caricaturist" like some other works. the power system is very bland, like you have basic cultivation techniques that can do x ou Y but there's not a lot of "spells" for example, so the role of talisman is far powerful than a standard work. Refining and even formation as well, is a lot stronger here but at the same time, the author does not explore this, since the mc is not formation-nor refiner. Another good point is: troubles seems to seek the mc, but at the same time, it does not feel/is that the "TROUBLE" only happen because of him and because he popped up, like some tr*sh books. update! End of volume 1,the author have something more, the work feels less "caricaturist" when talking about characters thus is far better than average book. it have problems: the "whitewashing" of the mc is ridiculous! he makes "excuses" to justify his actions like he is the victim but it reached the point that the MC is doing EXACTLY what he is using as reason to kill others because they did to him! this smells very tr*sh young master behavior. i'm tired of reading those plot, i'm not against a villain but trying to "wash" him as good is tiresome, i may drop it if it keeps going on!! Since he became golden core, the quality dropped with the plot, too much "lucky"! Earlier on, the world does not goes around the mc, like i wrote before but since he became golden core, everything changed. he needs body training treasure: the secret cave he was invited to explore is a secret cave for body training. needs soul-searching secret tech: next month there's a HIGH level SECRET auction that only works by INTRODUCTION, and you bump up in someone who can "introduce" you!266. Update~~300 things started to drop in quality, so 3 stars, too much lucky, plus once the mc started to become strong, a change of personality took place and started youngmaster behavior.
Going to give 5 star because some users put 1 star without even reading. I'm at chapter 2496. Being fair i don't think is worth 5 star, maybe between 3,5 and 4,5, there's a lot of "generic" development but at the same time the world building is very well made in multiple forms and ways. Instead of saying some generic sh*t like : we have 4 regions and 4 seas (like some generic novels do and never shows us anything), here the mc really went "around" most of the "world", thus we really got to see a lot. is just not a TOP novel because the author lacks ability to develop some of the really good and extraordinary world building he wrote, instead he tries to make a way out by making the mc becoming more and more "special" with his "Lucky drops". I admit that few hundreds chapter in, i was already regretting keep reading because such "lucky" was making me tired but the author took a "small Pause" on that front and just "keep developing" the "previous super lucky" drops the mc got and went back to sect development that i like a lot! right now as i write this review, we are in the conclusion of the "first" main "plot" if we are to call it, it is in fact very good and the "schemes" behind were very well done!! the only downside again: is that for a author who wrote "There is no system for mortals to fight for hegemony in the fields." that is supposed to be a story without a "system" and with a "mortal"(the mc) who move forward and suppose find ways to overcome challenges and develop his sect, the amount of "luck" diminishes that by a huge margin but this does not make the series bad, it is still very good.
Immortal Refiner
Aug 17, 2024
Good so far, earlier part seems good.445 4 180 chapters. the author always forgets about one of the worlds in this type of novel like a st*pid dumber, instead of developing both worlds,giving up one in favor of another as always, the author painted the perfect picture for the mc to develop both worlds very earlier on with his "conquest" of the city but made him let go. that is the perfect ground for some slow development given his cheat but no! all authors do this with this genre, such a let down. The author also completes forget of some of his earlier plot together too the "other world" is without spirit energy, Earlier on with all the "martial" cultivation, i thought we would get some interesting "different" plot development but NO, he completes let go of that world, going in one or two times only for some generic stuff, when he could do so much more we went back to super generic immortal stuff -1 star for that. 300chapters: Author is pushing the development too fast for a mc that should have 4 spirit root.. and not using the cheat, i'm tempted to -1 star just because of that, every time we heard how he is immortal and bla bla bla but it took barely 25 years storywise to get foundation pill and of course, soon enough he got more and is moving even faster, mind you the foundation period took less than 30 years story wise. chapter 500, had to drop it, by the 300 chapter the author already had forgotten a lot of plots and turned in a standard generic cultivation semi adventure!! the problem is not even the "adventure" part but the mc "lucky" in those adventures, everything is provided right way for him, EVERYTHING ,nor effort or even challenge! the mc barely crafted 20 cultivation weapons in the entire STORY, since he became a cultivator by the chapter i read. Even the use of immortality cheat was complete GARBAGE, really super generic but what make me drop was how the author put a r*cket in the mc *ss to make him advance faster and faster..445
man, i just started this novel and i WILL update this review in the future but damn, the dude was 137 years old at qi refiner level, most directly a lvl 8 qi refiner. and the novel have Tags Genius Protagonist who is putting those tags??? GENIUS? if the author push this forward in the story will direct drop to 1.. the guy got into the body of a 137 years old qi refiner, the qualifications are not even close to be called "good", is a 5 root spirit root! i will update this review later to warn you guy's if he did or not but i must say that so far does not seem too promising, the author already put the mc as "smartass (dumb)" thinking is smart and some very cliché tropes. , i found his cheat very GOOD in this earlier part, trading cultivation for lifespan seems to be a LOSS but he can keep his knowledge, so he can recovery the "time lost" he took to learn a skill by sacrifice lifespan and then use said skill to make money and advance faster. The bad side is that the author seems to have a very shallow ability to write the overall details of the world building,the entire "work" lacks details and everything is just thrown at us faces like nothing. Being complete honest if i was not only on the earlier dozen chapters i would say is not even worth 3 star because the author writing, all we get is> go here do this> go there do that> go other place do that, without one single good detail and the rest of the "novel" is just pure tropes and the tr*sh ones to being honest, like someone who is throwing everything at the wall and see what lands! update: the author did turn him in a genius, but not for cultivation but for everything else, at least it made him use some years to learn instead weeks but genius anyway since he is learning alone and never failing. overall not worth 4 start, not even 3 because the author also turned in a mini adventure novel as it progress, the mc is "immortal" so going in random risk adventures instead of learning the basic and making money is st*pid.
man, the novel seems to take the philosophical approach of cultivation with bullsh*ting left and right. 111 - star for that, since 99,99% of all authors always do sh*t when writing this and for now it does not seem different!! the dudes are martial artists, in other words not even "cultivators" but is already talking about concept of life-death, TIME! the mc is still a MORTAL(by the novel own standard) and can affect lifespan! , to make it worse, the sword does not even need to "wound", as long you parry-defend anything,; the sword energy will consume lifespan, the technique even passed the "energy(defense) shield" of a higher realm fighter! the technique is so OP that i'm surprised why a third rate sect have it and more surprised that as sect that KNOW how OP it is(since is theirs) do not put ANYONE who can mastery it as "key training". Barely have 100 chapters and we already have that being written, i'm afraid what the author gonna pull out later. the mc cheat seems to be "as long you practice you will have no bottleneck and will advance." the mc is also full of "lucky", is not the type of trying to do something and is successful but the type of "lucky dropping" into his lap, bad trope, plus is showing young master tendencies. Close to 150 chapters and there's 0 "sect" development, they feel more like a big "gang" that does small business than a real sect since outside of ONE mention of horse raising hall (raise 20 demon horses), they have like 0 " inheritance development" just a bunch of FIGHTERS!111 ---- Dropped by end of vol1, i could accept everything else but the way the author is writing youngmaster tr*sh behavior once he "advanced" together with putting a ROCKET up his *ss in cultivation-learning out of nowhere, when it simply is not suppose to "fit" the previous written history about the character, turning in wish fulfillment! Maybe i will come back when we get a better MTL, because the TL also does not help with those type of "b*llsht*ng" cultivation too.
For now i will put 4 star! the author seems to have a ability to write, in other words it does not look like a beginner's book! be aware that "Knowing" how to write is not the same as good story BUT this is worth some stars, when the story is well written it makes a difference. the plot: i'm little disappointed, by the description i thought it would be a history where the mc is building his own "path", creating his own martial path but he is just "following" what always have been done before, not trying to make things differently or at least "overcome" the challenges that the martial path have. the story seems to have multiple source of "cultivation"(power system) as well, besides the standard cultivator and most of them focus on the more abstract type of cultivation, something that i also dislike because rarely we can see a author writing this well and always like to take a "bullsh*t" approach but is something to take note. The Confucian style cultivation that was introduced and seems to be the "main" power system alongside the martial path in the earlier volumes! the world, seems to be a standard "Low" level "barren" place, that is plagued by monsters, so in essence very underdeveloped land(for cultivators)! Outside of that is very generic, even the drama, powerful people "playing" with low level people but "somehow" the mc is the special snowflake that is "found" to be "pawn" in the game and to make it worse, the "powerful" complain when the mc fight back, like tr*sh youngmaster behavior. the only real good point, is that the author seems to know how to "write". ----- the novel is not for me, this type of abstract type of cultivation is full of bullsh*t, with one "resource" the guy can advance 2-3 "entire realms", from a newbie to directly ceiling of dynasty and to make it worse: the big guys uses such a "prize" for the newbies.. The way the "old dudes" tries to "plot" against others are full of tr*sh and to make it worse, complain when they "fight" back. is just not for me. 40
volume1: the story follows the basic generic approach for plot so far. What i really want to say that makes the story worth reading is that the author wrote that the family is developing not only techniques but also cultivation skills, improving the techniques they got with each generation of family, studying them, improving what they can! Most authors forget about this and Instead simple follows what others do, never try to create a new weapon, formation or anything! they never use their imagination to make something really "useful" and i dare to say "special" with the hundred arts of cultivation that can "BOOST their families-clan" forward, never try something different. here they are improving the techniques, the "product" to really "reflect" their "inheritance"(be family-sect, any of them) "creating" their own "advantage", is there, all the time. it deserves attention. the problems are there as well. the biggest one is that the author does too much "*xss-licking! of each other character. the second biggest is the forgotten/dumb plot, for example: earlier on, we heard how making spiritual field with spirit stones was expensive, so no one would do IT but later on, the author made the mc do it and the "return" for a spiritual field with spirit stones is "only" 4-5 years, after that is "profit". for a family 5 years is nothing,they could easily plant rice as extra food, to speed up the cultivation of qi refiners, thus would not even "need" to sell! third problem:past volume 1, the entire "cheap" family/clan "fighting" with others started and the way the author tries to use "plot"(violence) is very childish,that i could barely endure at some points, in reality this can be expanded for a lot of other situations as well. Basically the novel have a HUGE potential but the author is not on the "level" to excavate said potential, every now and them he says/do some bullsh*t, BUT it have 1300 chapters, it may get better as he writes more becoming a solid good work202
the novel is good, is not 4-5star ONLY because the author went a little too BAD with his power system!198 there's a BIG problem, past sequence3, the rituals the author have not really thought well enough about them, when you try to create a entire "power system" , some basic rules needs to follow to make sense, setting wise, and the author fails here on this. there's a lot of others "smalls problems" as well and the author did not care, simple put, be spiritual materials or rituals, the author have not developed it in a good manner and does not really make "sense" setting wise given what he wrote. we can clear see that later, he changed some of that and is better but not enough. the political "plot" is too "cheap", everyone just want to kill each other and eat their land, when in reality they are pretty much in a "wilderness" of unexplored land, barely having population and cities, it makes 0 sense that instead of looking "outside",!! they just want to eat at is in front of them at every turn instead of thinking of developing. the "way" the author also introduces the fall of families are very cheap, families who lasted centuries-thousand of years, are so fragile once their main fighter dies they fail like hot sh*t in summer days but at the same time, for 90% of the novel we read about how there are special treasures and even alchemy seals/curses that allows the "weak" to join forces and fight the "strong", so it would not make sense that they would "fail" completely. if he took his time to really slow down and better develop-explore the "plots" he introduced himself, it would for sure be worth 4-5 star is not bad so far, i'm just saying that it could be EVEN better, if the author just stopped "skipping" plots and to "introduce" new things and work with he already have, it could go far. 197 update-- I had made that review at chapter200, the author speeded up things like cr*azy and did the opposite what i said before. gonna stop at 300 and wait for more chapters to see if turns around