~0.4 hour of reading·25 chapter read
Jun 23, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #11698


Virtual End
Jul 9, 2024
Desperate Night
Jul 9, 2024
a guy named zeeshan keeps giving all novels that are updated 1 star and says random rubbish cant see how to report him so just giving 5 stars to some novels that i read to counter him (sad life of that bot )
a guy named zeeshan keeps giving all novels that are updated 1 star and says random rubbish cant see how to report him so just giving 5 stars to some novels that i read to counter him (sad life of that bot )
quite bad, mc is just pure dumb he had so many dao fruits should just use them and make himself more divine inspiration and reach 100% just like the saintess easily but no he waits time for the so called opportunity like come on u dont need to explain how just say it happened no one will care u even have an aide that true gods are afraid of and even more whenever there is a fight going mc just lays back to make people think he is trash it's not like u have an amazing background and can do whatever u want, u need to impress the people there to get more stuff and progress more