~177.4 hour of reading·10646 chapter read
Jun 20, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #1940


Not great. I don’t mind the fast story but at least stick to the base you set. It’s beast taming story so the beast master has to rely on his beast, but as always he became stronger than his beasts, that I do not understand. Plus he see evolution route so evolve, what is the point to see the ultimate evolution route if he is not gonna talk about it at the end or evolve. I really don’t understand how can people manage to fail and fast story
A good novel. The issues are that the chapters are kind of short, one chapter every day is a pretty low frequency, especially when the pace of the story is slow.
Isn’t this Battle through the heaven with a system ??? Same plot, same name, but with a system !?
Good start but at some point, the system is barely used. It gets upgraded for no reason at all. And always the same issues that others novel, some plots start but never end, like snake he got and had to send back to the « beast country », or the soul of the soul of the women he found somewhere and she stay attached to him(what happened to her…), at some point he remembered he had a tea tree. I stopped at chapter ~1500 was getting bored.