~55.0 hour of reading·3300 chapter read
Mar 30, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #4145


This is one of the worst I've read. It was like watching a train wreck but you can't look away. Not only that, but it is pretty much a copy of another novel that was also terrible. It is nothing but "an abused boy" who was mysteriously hated by his entire family for no reason that goes independent, wins the lottery, starts a company and just delivers faceslaps. People come out of the woodwork to insult and humiliate the MC for no reason, just to get faceslapped. Disgustingly bad, I'd say more, but my command of the language is unable to meet this challenge.
This reminds me a lot of "Martial God Asura" and "Peerless Martial Arts". Do you like novels where the whole world hates the MC just for existing? Do you like an MC who has nothing better to do than get into fights every time he steps outside? Do you like arrogant young masters and plenty of face slapping? Do you like the MC constantly getting saved by plot armor because some random elder wants to kill him for no reason? Then this is the book for you.
It's not very good. It's another awakened people vs awakened beasts in the wilds type book. The issue is that everything falls into the MCs lap easily like top level cultivation arts, a space ring just when he wants one, and so on. The plot is lame and the face slapping is relentless. I don't understand chinese and their love of faceslapping, but I don't care for it.
I couldn't take too much of this poison to my dao heart. If you've read "peerless martial god" or "martial god asura" then this novel has about the same kind of MC, though written less well then those. The MC can't go anywhere without multiple people suddenly trying to kill him several times a day, and their entire family wanting to jump in. The face slapping is also excessive. We have someone just isekai'd who suddenly becomes super chad in a cultivation world, slaughtering people left and right who provoke him. MC is super arrogant and disloyal - given a huge fortune by an alliance leader then decides to join another group the same day. Trash MC, poorly written novel.
Do you like absolute morons? Do you think the MCs of "martial god asura" and "peerless martial god" are great? Do you like young masters every other chapter trying to kill the MC for just existing? How about the whole world and generations of clans trying to kill the MC for some young master's face? Then this book is for you!
A reincarnated immortal, son of a king of heaven. Couldn't cultivate, but his dad got him squared away with a pill, MC suspects his dad caused his rebirth, and starts his journey intending to ascend to find out what happened and find his dad again. The novel has some gritty themes here and there, wars which leave whole regions scarred and people the MC knows caught in them. MC has book knowledge of cultivation and alchemy, no cheats. Interesting take on pets, bloodlines, and just plain done right on the impact of family and clan squabbles. A classic.
A cultivator novel that is suprisingly well written. There is great humor and a good story. The plot is fairly standard, what makes the novel stand out is the humor and the MC who is not a murderhobo nor some psychotic looking for a fight all the time.
The MC is a fake inserted into a powerful family. So far in about 150 chps, he hasn't grown much stronger than the opening, and his cheat takes a lot of effort to advance him. I think later he will get the opportunity to use it to the fullest. This is a scheming young master novel, with him opposing his cousins as well as rival families. It's more about intrigue than outright fights. Even now there is slowly being revealed more and more of the families, forces, politics and the first city he's in. Only 150 chps, so far really well written. Looking forward to finish reading it. PS I'm about 1400 chps in now, and the cheat more or less went away from consideration after the first couple hundred chaps. Never again would the "status" be loaded, though he still has the item, it is just not written anymore, nor the need to raise energy for it. There is a lot of filler in the novel, so I skip chaps that draw out fights and such. Still a really good plot, a superior xuanhuan cultivator novel.
Martial World
Mar 30, 2023
Alright, in this one at the most basic, a kid whose childhood girlfriend got seduced away by a rich kid at the local martial arts academy. The kid comes into possession of a cube which is one of three of a larger universe connecting several novels of the author together. He learns some rudimentary skills from it, and the adventure is off. This is a massive, epic masterpiece of a novel. It has society, side professions like talismans, formations, ect. Beast taming and whatever else you can think of a a cultivation world that was described so brilliantly you could be a member of that culture yourself. Cultivation was quite well done, fights are epic and gorgeous in their language, and you can just picture what is happening. This a long novel with some serious time in it, covering tens of thousands of years. It is no different than the huge novels like "I Shall Seal the Heavens" "Desolate Era" "Martial Universe" "King of Gods" and the like. The MC is good, and not an idiot nor a fool that picks a fight everywhere, like the MC of stuff like "Peerless Martial God" "Martial God Asura"
I thought that this novel would be another system novel, but I was wrong. Sure, there is a system, where the MC can draw cards to get temporary cheat powers. But it is also a serious cultivation novel with a pretty good plot. The MC got isekai'd into an old villainous sect master near the end of his lifespan. The system informed him that the heavens were angry at his inability to control his disciples who were running about and committing evil acts throughout the kingdom. So, it is his "quest" to get them under control, and the system does issue fresh quests, with temp cards he can use as a prize for completing them. Once again, I though the idea would make a trash novel, but it was quite well written and almost deep in execution. Everything, disciples, system, and why it was there wraps up in the end. So it was there for a purpose, which is a little more original than nearly all system novels. I debated giving this 5 stars, but it doesn't compare to a real masterpiece like "A Will Eternal" "ISSTH" "King of Gods" ect.