~400.2 hour of reading·24014 chapter read
Feb 18, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #1235


Whoever wrote this shit really deserves a beating
Hephaestus, best waifu, they even had a daughter together! God, I'm dying of fluffiness! What a perfect romance, even if so short! It's worthy of the greek tragedies.
Whoever rates this more than one star has mental issues
Terrible premise
Mediocre, what's dragging it down is the protagonist obsession with murdering the village higher ups and the stupidity of the author in forcing the higher ups into being completely disgusting unlike their house counterparts in the anime/manga. Edit: another retarded idiot who wants world domination. Edit: A bunch of trash plots and decisions and for what? To describe in five paragraphs that now he has another female slave.
Another communist dictatorship in Naruto
177 chapters before he leaves the first world, it gets really boring after chapter 44
Fuck that bitch CristinaKane talking shit about religion in a review section for a fictional book. Trash like that is what make us Christians look like Karens and retardeds.