I read this from a chinese site. I definitely recommend you to read. Its about a young man from empire who trying to live in federation as a illegal immigrant. There are too many people like him because of war in empire. He establish a mafia / gang when he get a chance. Until the current episodes, we read as they grew and protected this gang, made illegal money, bribed and became the best. And i believe it'll become better and better in future chapters.
It is by far the most Islamophobic novel of any Chinese novel I have read. He is making all the genocide-like moves in the Middle East that he does not normally do, and he is normalizing it. He clearly normalizes the temptation to antagonize people and judge them based on their opinions. Even the fact that he advocates the unification of the world and its expansion into space, while advocating racism and hostility to religion, which is contrary to this idea, shows the contradictions.
I just started reading. I was tired of seeing the same cliches over and over again. Finally, I found a new and different topic. So far, it's going pretty well. I advise you to try it and get rid of the usual chinese cliches a little.
I loved this. It is an excellent novel with its romance, comedy and game development. I laughed in a lot of places and mostly read it with a smile on my face. I highly recommend it.