~30.4 hour of reading·1826 chapter read
Jan 19, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #5367


ell I don't know what to say about this work!! First of all, the work is averagely well-written. The characters are good (average) The character of the hero is very good, he is not a prostitute who wants to save every life and he is not a disgusting demon, but in the middle he maintains his humanity with a kind of independence - and this hypothesis about making the hero immortal is very beautiful. The relationships in the work are very good, especially the relationship of the hero with his friend Bai, which was very realistic Also a simple thing: I was drawn to the writer's portrayal of capitalism in a very beautiful way in "Rogue Farmer" who needs to work thousands of hours day and night to pay off the debts of agricultural resources and land that contains high energy, The desire is strong to reach the top with a hair of false hope of reaching it that he does not realize. A person only after reaching the end of life and then tries to save what he can, this realization that occurs at the end of life, whether in taking on debts or buying luxurious things in imagining a fake vision of the world are not just meaningless trivialities, or to have the hero enter them. I am sure that if the hero had been present, it would have been the least enjoyable thing, and I think that many left the novel because of this, because I myself could no longer complete it because of him. Also The presentation of the world was somewhat reductive for a moment, you feel that the world is like a village, which shows the writer's weak skills, but it is excused because it is his first novel - if he had taken a few chapters to describe the world better than this stupid stuffing The little nationalism was not bothersome, it helped the Communist Party win over the Emperor The novel is quite good, enjoyable in many ways, however, it has fatal flaws, which may not be tolerated by everyone
What can I say? The novel in general seems like it will be good with a deep build up to the events I finished the first arc and it was good, even if it was somewhat vague, but I enjoyed it very much. The events are very slow and make you sleepy, and this is no more a flaw than that the writer did not know how to convey the events. I finished the first arc, which was good, but I couldn't finish it