~2686.8 hour of reading·161211 chapter read
Mar 25, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #13


Another harem. A terribly done Harem
Potential wasted.
Ugh. Only a suppressed psychotic MC would act like this. A super annoying and unlikeable MC. I've read some evil MCs and at least they've got some likeable traits that you can root for. This is not the case in here, simply because the character background and lifestory of MC is not established by the author. If you like this kind of MC, this is a good read.
Am I A Superman?
Sep 1, 2024
The way the mc used his cheat to solve his money problems is truly laughable. And the drama that followed after this is insanely bad.
Summary alone is a giveaway that this novel is simply trash.