~34.9 hour of reading·2094 chapter read
Dec 28, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #5066


Okay I am hooked now.. another great read.. earlier chapters bit boring and annoying but getting better and better later.. hopefully it didn't ended prematurely like "MY STRENGTH INCREASES BY 100 POUNDS EVERY DAY" 😣 DANG!!! Chapter 124 (122) and 125 (123) is out of order. Pls fix 😠
Swallowed Star
Apr 13, 2024
Start good but getting downhill and boring after leaving earth
Great read 😆 world building is nice too Dang.. the author is in bad mood because of the reader comments and now he is didn't updating for 6 days already 😭
Looks promising
Chapter 320++ getting messy. Please fix
Actually if you skip the repetitive parts, this is good novel. Yes, for the first hundreds chapter are repetitives, I am often only need less than 5 minutes to finished these chapters. But it's going be better later. Currently I am at ch 340
Shura’s Wrath
Jan 12, 2024
Racism, arrogant mc, stupid plot armor 🤮
Actually I dropped this novel long time ago at ch 900++ because of the translation. I couldn't decided to continue or not 😑