~0.0 hour of reading·0 chapter read
Dec 8, 2023 Joined
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Man, I get that you're entitled to your opinion, but it's a bit dickish to dedicate an entire review to an unfinished first arc. Well, whatever. In any case, I need to address a few things. [Spoilers, duh] First of all, the MC is NOT human (or any biological creature for that matter), he is LITERALLY the Void itself. The one that moves around in other worlds is just an Avatar/Incarnation, which holds a very VERY limited aspects of his actual capabilities, which is why he seems weak at first, when in reality, beings like Ilúvatar [Lord of the Rings] and Jehova/God [Van Helsing](Who, mind you, are OMNIPOTENT in their own respective worlds) actually SEE him as an EQUAL. I admit the start is kind of stale, since the MC was still just trying to understand how to do shit, as well as using a first world/story that no non-Chinese has ever probably heard of, but it does get better afterwards (At least for me it did) After the first arc, the MC starts turning his Main Body [The Void Space] into a home/hub world for the various Travelers/Transmigrators it the different dimensions. He basically becomes something similar to the Main God Space/God's Lobby of Terror Infinity, except, he isn't indifferent to his 'players'. As for why he's so catering and trusting of the travelers, Ilúvatar later explains that, since each travelers soul were first baptized by the grey mist his Main Body [Void Space] before reincarnating, the Travelers sort of became his 'people' (In the same vein as said Creator God [Ilúvatar] seeing his creations as his own children) Later on, the story slowly focuses less on the MC and more on the Travelers in his Alliance. It becomes up to them to find other travelers as well as exploring the other worlds, while the MC becomes their backing/guardian incase they fucked up somewhere. (Like when Legolas screwed up and came face to face with Jehova/God, the MC really had to save his ass there) That said, most of the cast are chinese, which is perfectly normal. It's a chinese author, duh.