~71.8 hour of reading·4307 chapter read
Jul 24, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #3640


It's a good story about God. A good structured story. I recommend reading it. But I don't like mc's development towards the "god of games". In my opinion, the "gaming" limits his omniscient authority. But the only annoying thing is the frequent coincidences.
I've only read 100 chapters. I'm excited about using my imagination. But all the methods exist just like that. Described it all very well, but the mc is still a piece of shit. The result of his work is too much underestimated in practice for the development of the plot. And the main character seems to be smart but so dumb and naive
The Black Book
Sep 16, 2024
I like possibilities of abilities of mc. But author just ignore some sins. He is too focused on 4 sins, also 1 for future. Especially on lust. All the scenes with lust and women are such a cringe. And at some point there will be too much nationalism, just too much.
It’s a pretty boring novel. I just slide through very fast. Many characters are poorly described or just exist. There are many descriptions of what the characters become like masters of martial arts. But also they described like powerful cultivators. The book contradicts itself. A lot of water and little plot
This is an interesting book. I like how the author explains the reasons for the attack on the hero, they are not really taken out of thin air. But the monotony of the plot (they want to kill his daughter - kills them) removes this plus. The development of strength is also depressing. Presented 3 ways. 1 is missing, 1 has become a side effect, 1 is the main one, but it works very strangely. I would put 3 stars, but the person with the first comment on the level of thinking of the plant makes me must to increase this. You judge a book by its cover, do not keep this opinion to yourself, and reduce the evaluation of the work simply because of what came to your mind. Disgusting
For me, the book ended around chapter 320. When the title of the book happened. I don't think the Mouloud’s review is completely right. The author literally explained the work of the system at the beginning. It gives the hero rewards, but also confronts him with problems, that is, it's a buff with a debuff. The dude legitimately introduced a cliche into the plot, I think it's not bad. Also, the main character survives only for the reason that he CONSTANTLY cultivates. Early on, he begins to live literally in a state of cultivation. I consider it legitimate to get ahead of the problems for this work. And it is absolutely stupid to consider a person a coward because he is afraid to die, because he literally knows that problems will find him (the system), as well as knowledge of what creatures stronger than you are capable of in the fantasy world (the main character himself shows this). He even abuses the system with problems (it is written in the work). I really like the character of the main character, I really believe in his existence. But the problem is that it is difficult to observe such characters as the heroes of the work, it is difficult to fix it here. But the problem with the work is that it is breakthrough very fixed to the enemies, the rewards are given strangely (then just for fun), the increase in the known area is too fast (most of which are ignored), strange martial arts development, strange behavior of people. But the book pleased me for several days. In general, the book is not for everyone
Is it possible to use something else besides luck to develop the main character? Damn it, the system only helped to "activate" the items. There are too many unique items and events for a backward village. And the main character is quite passive and has a strange personality. And the only thing that surprised me was the real blindness. Without it: “I actually see everything with the help of something”
Above the gray fog
Aug 27, 2024
Most of all, I don't like such books. The question usually arises: how do people survive, except for the main character? And here, even for the hero, the only thing that keeps him alive is the author. The main character just gets the coordinates and goes there absolutely without preparing, and he can't prepare in any way. But if someone can turn a blind eye to this, then a potion-based development system in such a world is absolutely impossible for characters. They find a recipe at the beginning that only lists the names of the ingredients. What? What about the characteristics, location, weight, cooking method? After all, then it is said that it is important. And then it is clear that it is also impossible to get them just like that. How to follow a story that develops only according to the will of the author? And there's a lot more I haven't said.
The book is aimed at a deep plot and plot twists. But it's sooo slow. We can say that the prologue will end in chapter 70. To be honest, I liked the "prologue", and then I lost the desire to read. There is a lot of attention paid to the usual main character, who is facing too big a problem. He will be dumb sometimes, making unreasonable decisions. But who thinks absolutely rationally ( :D )? I would read it, but the plot is really moving slowly, plus I didn't like this world order. Also, by chapter 100, the problems of the site itself, too many inserts with reminders interrupt reading.
A rather strange work. It feels like the author was looking for himself. At first, there were makings for a serious Xianxia. Then there was some kind of game with the protagonists (parodies of other books). And so, somewhere around chapter 90, the author decided that his book would be a xianxia comedy. That's where the book gets good. But everything that happened before is confusing.