~53.7 hour of reading·3220 chapter read
Dec 12, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #5666


The story is very realistic but... He learns soul magic and memory magic but never tries to dig up memories from before he was reborn. the worst is... Spoiler alert... The worst is that he becomes God and he doesn't even have a romantic partner. His romantic partner suffers waiting for him!! He ends the story a virgin and he's not even human!! He is an example of listening so much that he became an idiot, secondary characters have a better outcome than him!! Of course this has a lot to do with expectations, he starts the story being handsome, strong and intelligent and soon becomes rich, so I was hoping to see how he deals with the story, I expected him to continue using his own advantages but he has several problems in character building, black magic is dangerous because the person gets lost in it and becomes distorted, and that's what happened(not literally), at some point in history he became distorted by the search for power. You can see this as realistic or as idiotic.