~48.5 hour of reading·2911 chapter read
Apr 16, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #4412


i read maybe almost 2k? well... "read"... in the first few hundered it was ok, not bad, especially, imho, in the anime worlds im familiar with. some of the later ones were somewhat interesting too but only slightly and tbh after a while, maybe around 500 i started skimming... by around 1k i started skipping the entire "world action" arcs and just going to the "end game" "stat screen" to see whats new... one thing that annoyed me especially is how every battle after a while mc would fight super powerful opponents that are seemingly\supposedly on paper much stronger than him and there didnt seem like there was particularly anything much he could use to guarantee him overcoming these foes yet everytime he just would~... reckless daredevil that could otherwise develop to a peak far surprassing predacessors of the same class ("profession"). the worst thing in these fight is mc always losing\super heavily damaging him hand - prolly off hand iirc? iirc mc is a sword dual weilder i think? might be confusiong abit... anyway iirc every battle its the same move - sacrafice his arm to block dmg or something and deliver final\critical blow or something like that... other than that, well, author did kinda try to develop worlds and like an entire cosmology but its overshadowed atleast for me by the boredom of the repetetiveness of the dynamics happening to mc in these smaller specific worlds usually
Coiling Dragon
Sep 18, 2024
the life simulation is done amazingly. great balance between mc strength and external preassure at different times - mc is weak at first but not in danger\opressed~, as he becomes stronger he might face greater dangers but hes never suffocted. mc start with martial arts - decent power system description in terms of depth and uniqueness. mc becomes a top 'genius' step by step~ - with cheat assistance ofc heh... alot of clever plots, like identity - pretending to be a top shot - but not cringey or overly complex and unclear - for example in ED mc preset plots arent clear unless u think carefully after the fact. in lotm the plots are seemingly not too complex yet exciting (plus identity~) later mc even has major time travel arcs but theyre still basically understandbale or atleast dont interfere with previous plot's world understanding cuz they happen either much earlier or far away. later on mc becomes like pretty strong and close to op in his level and even later pushes this even more~ alas seems to be halted? dropped?,..
The Amber Sword
Sep 17, 2024
note: ive read this story in htl version seems like an awesome idea for plot and worldbuilding and powersystem but power system\s is\arent presented clearly enough, plot is messy and often action is even worse. idk if its writer trynna kill my brain or translator does or had his own brain messed up and decided to try to mess ours but it can be quite bewildering at times. also mc emotions\identity are also weird\unclear ~... the worst situations happen in battles between armies where most of the times its unclear what low end or high end forces therere on each side, almost whos fighting whom, why they fighting - and dont get me to the stage where mc integrates special magics only he has as well as magical effects he knows would happen by virtue of him having played the game and familiar with enviorment - which locals or something apperantly arent - not having the thinnest idea of local large scale magical phenomena possible sometimes... oh and author tells some more obscure parts that even mc seemingly didnt know as if readers also played the game and knew it better than mc.
had an interesting cheat\premise that wasn't developed tooo well but not bad - pretty good for xianxia - if it persevered with an ok story and setting it could've been worthy of 4-5 stars for a webnovel Alas author was dragged down by his readers' mindless demands - author prolly had a plot that was gonna be slow development early but according to his words people demanded action so he ended up writing mindless action with factional killings which ended up writing mc into a corner which he tried to salvage by making him too op and the development that if slowly written well could've taken hundreds of chapters into a rushed limping end of 50~80 chs~ (and by hundreds i don't mean till end since end was rushed. he didn't even reach god refining\essence soul realm or even wrote names for following realms let alone settings (for like maps) ) ((which reminded me - the nonsensical mess of a scale - mortal world - has 16 chunks each less than a few thousand miles across yet the sects have territories 100k miles in radius. Yet they fight over the mortal world and its the main source of people?? disciples. is the environment of 100k miles radius completely uninhabitable for mortal? - well thats unknown - nothing is mentioned about it except that some resources could be found there....)) oh and cringe point at which i dropped but later returned - he defeats some girl top disciplie of top sect and to save her life she surrenders and even wants to become his daoist partner and later queen and he basically just takes her in. and cuz of her words he was super ruthless cuz she was so dumb saying to do everything to win competition... but she meant for mortal i guess? idk suuuuper dumb misunderstadings ending in disaster yet randomly adding a harem spot? cmon.. its also harem heavy and somewhat cringe - not too much - i can understand it beign somewhat of the core premise but still....~
as some\many said - beggining was not bad imho, couldve been better - golden finger abit simple yet unclear? increases talent every day? sometimes the inc talent prompt pops out just at a plot convient point without explanation? therere special talents but unclear what they depend on\when'd they pop up (or which?)? the worst part is later talent thingy every time he breaks thru gives him a healing current?? and it wasnt explained let alone clarified until he was spoiler * * * ehmcrippledehm * * and that situation also came about in a disgusting and redicouslus manner - well u see mc claims he wants to be cautious cuz he wants to live more and let his talent continously improve over time but then goes to see the fun. terrible. also as people said alot of random enemies popping up - now some are reasonable if for disgusting reasons - the guys the woman that doesnt wanna marry him sends to frustrate him etc~ and some buisness competitors - but later alot of random dicks popping out for minor reasons that turn or would turn deadly... crrriiiingggeee
idk if powersystem worldbuilding or plot are good cuz i havent been able to read past few chaps and feel like i have to make this review - but ive rated 2 star as hope it might be good... anyway the reason i dropped it so fast is very simple - transmigrated mc - but he has a family - and its the kind that author tries to build up their character all the way thru and make us feel em EVEN BEFORE WEVE FELT MC!!! futhermore mc is transmigrated - now it is ofset by the fact that hes been transmigrated for a while but doesnt that still mean he has, like, killed previous host\displaced his soul? anyway, the other point is that mc is in a crippled body, he suffers pain every year on his bday and story starts with him basically suffering pain - umm are all chinks masochists? does that supposed to endear me to me? now, im writing a story in the litrpg genre and first skill mc gets is pain resistance - when im reading these cool \op mc stories i wanna ressonate with the mc and feel like em - i wouldnt wanna think about all the pain idve suffered nor the troubles idve had if i were crippled or for that matter in other works - starving poor or constantly opressed - like if im paying gangs money in the afternoon id better be having them dig their own graves in the evening... another idiotic detail - as a cripple he asked for a door that can only be opened from the inside??? i think author is high. and even if it can be only opened from inside - do u have to leave it opened when u leave?? xddd
ive started to read but cant go on more than a few chaps. the start is getting progressively more cringe - mc gets continously provoked and retaliates and retaliated against back and provoked again reapeating with supposedly ever more important and powerful people for whom we have no proper pre-intoruction be it in terms of status or power - no clear explanation of the power system - not that id expect such of a novel titled so... but still its super cringe the way its done like that... anyway system too op, potentially atleast but doesnt show how it could maybe be progresively understood. anyway i give this one star to the author, not only the story.