~193.9 hour of reading·11635 chapter read
Oct 31, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #1813


this is one of the most fantastic pieces of fiction i think ive ever read, and once again it just proves my theory that good stories get dropped while FUCKING GARBAGE persists.. unbelievable. yea yea, the author has problems, big whoop. speaking of, total false advertising on the chapters. it's more like 470ish chapters (i actually lost count) because the author throws in "rl updates" or whatever SO. DAMN. MUCH. it was pissing me off. there's literally about 100 chapters of stuff like "had a friend come over for drinks, no chapter" or "had a backache/stomach ache today, no update" TONS of those. actually going to take a star off for that now that i think about it, it was legit maddening. but the dude has/had writing talent that's for sure. you wont be disappointed with the story itself. (at least until the chapters end)
ends at 407, awesome read!! i actually read from start to finish almost non-stop.
i dont know what in the hell i was thinking reading this shit for so long. they. dragged. the FUCK out of the cell saga like no other. the issue there is, when you remember there's a buu saga afterwards, and possibly broly and other universe ppl, then time travel and all that, the entire story is going to be a massive waste of time. and that'd be fine if the mc was actually, you know, an mc. but nnope this guy is just a cardboard cutout of a wish-fulfillment protag who takes up space in the universe alongside the main characters. ill give some credit, honestly, because what the author did here was attempt to draw the various lines of changes made from the mc being in the world. so on that level, you can see they had a good outline and plans for the story. it wasn't a complete asspull. BUT, when I personally read a fanfiction i kinda wanna see the mc making a DIFFERENCE with the story. even if the mc only has the knowledge of the original plot, make shit BETTER make shit FASTER or something, but nnope. you can see why they skipped the entire dragonball plot at the beginning because it was really just "some dude is born near goku and goes on all the same adventures with him" what's even worse is the story fucking starts OFF with this guy knowing the saiyans are coming and did ZERO preparation for it, whatsoever. and the reason it loses a star (only got 2 from me to begin with) is the lazy, lame, trite excuse of "ive lived in this world for so long i forgot most of the details, so im just as helpless and hapless as everybody else when stuff happens" TL;DR - author did nothing new, just made a new mc to re-run all the same plot again at a much more boring pace.
i shouldn't be so impatient when reviewing a novel, but i have to say i deeply feel that this mc gives WAY too much of a fk about rando's in this story where he's come back from the past and knows the relevant future information. he spends so much time "trying to be selfish but actually being a humanitarian" it's disgusting, and it really just comes off as him being kind of mean and vicious to the people around him, which is WAAYYYY too many. first 100 chapters and he literally has an entire community and small army built which isnt terrible, but all of his "preparation for the apocalypse" time is practically spent on them. like even in the beginning after he separates from his sister (that is, literally takes a subway car downtown to visit his job) there's a full like 70 chapters in between of nonsense before going home. im at 13x chapters now he has TWO women, and it's hinting at literally like 4 others. and you know, once again, his strength is barely capable, and his abilities are always "just below" what is needed to survive and he's always "just barely able to defeat the enemy", for someone who started with all the medicines and all the cultivation tools ahead of time. the story would have you believe that this mc is going to be super OP later, but even if that's the case, he's limp as a wet noodle now and the rest of the story just isnt that deep.
"The character enhancement in the mall interface has already appeared, but Liu Mingyu has been strengthening the storage space, ignoring the strengthening of himself." this is my review. a lousy mc making lousy choices in an apocalypse. this is the kind of brainless loser you'd expect a side character to be, not the main character. this guy is hellbent on making poor choices and from looking at the reviews it appears i wont be wrong in another THOUSAND CHAPTERS(?!! are you even kidding me rn??) im stopping at <100 because ive already skipped about 40 entire chapters of filler bullshit. his progress in the real world is kinda negligible, and while that's fine, the question becomes "how does he expect to make progress in the apocalypse when he still has no clue WHAT he's doing in the real world?" it seems he forms a vague idea of goals, in between each major time shift, and that is garbage. this is "I have a mansion in the post-apocalyptic world" but a shittier, watered down version. ill give it a bonus star purely because i like the genre. {update} i suffered with this for another day and skimmed till 178. it got so much worse i deducted that bonus star. ill leave you all to it 🫡
lol it's like somebody farted and one person tells you it stinks and you dont believe em so you go and sniff it anyway then almost vomit. yea, this is a shit novel. ive read enough chinese fiction to know if it's this bad in the first 50 chapters, the next xx0's wont be super great either.
i feel like there are certain tropes to chinese writing that they randomly throw in to try and boost ratings, because otherwise this shit doesnt even make sense sometimes. this story literally goes from a REALLY interesting sci-fi/apocalypse game plot, straight into "gotta kill the japanese" out of almost nowhere at all. like it doesnt even fit with the story, really. the mc's enemies literally go from "people who murdered my family" -> "intergalactic revenge and connection" right smack back into "the japanese have invaded, must genocide"
somebody turned the steam game "Raft" into a all people style survival novel. it is cute at first but gets super boring early on. i gave up before 50 chapters
"Zhuang Chen was a little annoyed by his carelessness." that's the whole story. either this mc isnt very bright or the author is addicted to dumbing down everything and everyone to shape a plot but that line sums up this entire annoying ass novel.
hm, how to say.. unlike most skills/system based novels where the action is the main thing, this is really just too bland by comparison. they spend chapter after painful chapter describing college life and dinner n shit. they have had no less than 6 chapters about dinner dates or gathering the group to go have dinner or having a reunion with schoolmates over dinner. i only got to chapter 49 and im kinda falling asleep with this one. it may get better, but i cant be bothered to stay awake long enough to find out