~209.2 hour of reading·12552 chapter read
Nov 25, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #1708


there just too much chaos, it would have been an better read if it sticks to one style or at least complete a arc with an unified theme like if you are going to focus on kingdom building then do that properly but next second the mc runs off to another planet for adventure, or suddenly the tone shifts to comedic for no reason one second i managing the colony/ship then second making shit dam for power or using shit to make drinking water even though you have abundant water source, another thing is the cringe, every few chapters author will mention how the forth disaster will shake the galaxy or something but then gets bitch slapped by some pirates. all of the elements are not bad per say but they it makes the story miserable combined for example if focus on kingdom building part without whole will burn the galaxy or conquer the galaxy start low key then when you have power pick up the fourth disaster theme.
even if see pass the obvious racism and other bullshit, there is too much bullshit in the story itself. I was just reading it as a time pass novel where you just turn off your brain but I knew this was a trash novel after my guy said cutting the root as mc goes out of his way to murder a gang's boss, this choice totally unnecessary as the gang was almost destroyed and rival gangs were already on their ass but mc goes out of his way to kill on top of that he was an ordinary guy before this and suddenly he is an cold blooded killer who doesn't blink when killing as all normal Chinese citizens in CN novels are. another thing is did no one keep an eye on him just after he solved a case for the SHIELD, and he suddenly became the master of stealth and parkour to enter the gang hideout unnoticed. it was an good concept but execution is terrible and it doesn't take a genius to solve the problems here like just make the mc background how you want your character to be like making him a solider or hitman in past life would have been ok.
Best thing I can say about the novel is it's not trash but just mediocre in all aspects. The good thing I can say is at least it doesn't have trash CN tropes other than that the novel is just extremely bland and boring. It's like author started a novel in mind but halfway through changed his mind about the story or maybe he just can't write as there are so many elements in the story that not used or not used properly they there just for show. Best example for this is the whole blue star and game settings just relevant for few starting chapter after that game and bluestar not really relevant to the story it didn't make any difference if there was a game or he from another world, why even make a setting if you're not going to use it. The story wouldn't even change a little if he was just born in the cultivation world. It was more like author had to add some events just because he wrote them in synopsis. I think Ultimately the novel fails because nothing interesting happens even if MC is low key then just focus on side character and world but the world and character are one dimensional. Nobody want to read a about a guy sitting on ass for thousands of years and went from rank one ping pong to rank 7 ding dong. If want you read about overly OP MC then I liked the most was top tier Providence and my understanding defy the heavens are good reads there you also see why this novel fails but they are successful, both of they have an core thing interesting about for top tier Providence it was the side character and their stories while my understanding defy heaven has intresting power system and world hopping as MC makes his own power system based on multiple worlds here there no stong points that can keep you hooked on reading.
The plot is all over the place that not even the worst part it's the fucking comedy that author want to write like fucking pick a theme and stick to it. The system is of the worst type where you just slave to the system and have to get humiliated to become more powerful and you die if can't complete the task oh and did i mention that most of the reward are trash but author has added tons mechanism in the system to over complicate it. The original plotline write by author was good but story is just allover the place especially if introduce OCs like the childhood friend .
It has great start the first 50-60 chapter were quite good but it went all downhill after he got a dragon. The plot just went on turbo boost as events that were to happen years later are fast-forwarded everything that is unique about the novel is thrown out of the window and author just wrote the events of the show with little changes and extra mc in the World.
Some of the worst world-building have seen. While MC is worst I have ever seen there were so many interesting things that he could have done his cheat but the method he use so boring, it's same for realms is more like number my number bigger than your so I am stronger kinda thing it's like just because MC's foundation is better he has better energy which the mostly the author could come up with rather using this to write something interesting about why nascent souls are different from golden core and why God transform is different from nascent soul.
This can be considered average sometimes it is complete trash, sometimes average but never excellent. the start was a very forced plot riddled with plot holes then it was okay-okay but once again it went to shit as I don't know what it is with this Chinese MC and genocides kill thousands of people just to vent the anger of one person's death(the mc doesn't Directly do the deed but he did not stop them either I would say he even encouraged them) is psychotic this make Danny in the final season look like a saint and season a blockbuster writing compared to this. I just ignored it for some time, as CN genocide is common, so you just gotta turn off your brain and read this if there is nothing else to read. But this shit went too far when donish prince I don't remember his name massacred 9 or something village just because they have Lannister blood in them even that was not enough my guy killed anyone who has blond hair. at this point it is just disgusting, it okay if have some reason to kill them as in war death is commonplace but killing innocent people just to fullfill your revenge which had nothing to do with by the way is just plain disgusting and cruel. Even the mad king was better than this guy.
The quality is okay, i just personally don't like when mc act like an vigilante. It's just common to CN MCs hide his power and face slap other for no apparent reason. There was face slapping till I read at least that a plus. But i just don't understand the mc, my guy complain 24/7 that that residents have no right even though he has ability to improve his citizen level just by show one of the many ability he has no one is going associate him the mech pilot or anything else but no my guy piss his pant if someone found he has power like bro your powers are not that impressive just show the sound control one , no one going kill you. He was even offered an military rank but he refused reason: this might attract trouble to him, another brain dead reason so join the military not safe the organization that most powerful and safest there is, where top genetic talents are recruited? Nope he would rather be Janitor and work in an private company. Another thing is that author want to write a dystopian setting but next second he tell how public opinion is important but at same time residents fully controlled by the government. It like their IQ has fallen to an low point and example of this is MC using the oldest trick in book to hunt A-rank monster who has not been hunted in 100 of years as it so hard. Yes, my guy just killed some animals put bomb below in with timer killing it. So telling me that this advance civilization doesn't know basic hunting tactics. Same shit for marital art so this civilization has reached Interstellar travel but it's inferior to Chinese acupuncture and medicines theory, i it would been fine just part of magic system in this novels then all power to you but author specific implying that this come from Earth probably from china and the Interstellar civilization learn from them to make extraordinary power.
It has potential at start but just keep going downhill from there. 90% of the things are 'borrowed' from mythology, i not against getting inspiration from mythology but my guy just stitched together mythology around the world, he starts in the Greek world but build his own which is copy Christianity and after makes and hell with other guy. Most boring shit in the story is mc and his angles who think that he THE god (omnipotent and all the shit) even though he is not and this angels some of most unlikeable character they remind me of nazies who think they superior to everyone else. God of magic and magic net was an good direction but get thrown out of the window halfway through, any chance of the story are ignored by the author as MC always win and face slaps evey time which just boring to read on top authors going into unnecessary detail all the time rather than advancing the plot. Most of my attraction to this novel was if mc will build some power system where it can be interesting but I just dropped even after hundreds of chapter without no progress in magic but more and more plot of bible keeps coming.