~117.0 hour of reading·7017 chapter read
Jul 11, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #2695


Mc doesn't learn any wood type tech. Till over 100 chapters , no motivation to collect any inheritance or try new stuff either , The Evergreen tech. Gives lot of time and slow progress and mc makes sure he wastes all of it on nonsense , Mc is low key but everything he goes out even to piss there will be calamity , has super wood cultivation tech. Evergreen but will tinker with Talisman, Alchemy and puppets and wastes all resources because of no talent , But will not try to learn any wood combat spells or auxiliary spells , has super healing talent but will not learn pharmacy, will not learn any spiritual planter tech. Either Is practising body cultivation but trash quality with no skills , is of no mood to change either The author's Mc till Peak Foundation hasn't learned a single spell of his own path everything miscellaneous and fu*king shit is in his 3rd lifetime or reincarnation @250 chapters and u will know that half the novel is about side characters that will never be seen again and despite his so called low key He is always getting in even more dumb situations, the world hates him and even if he's farting at home someone will come to make trouble
The dumbness is off the charts
Mechanical Flesh
Aug 5, 2024
Female lead is the only problem in this novel A TRUE damsel in distree Born with silver spoon , gold spoon Wrong She is an entitled dumb bitch , everything is handed over to her on Diamond plate , an the attitude of that ice queen of no emotion like it's I who suffers OH MY GOD
@ 250 chapter , MC is still qi refining 9th layer , it's really really slow , family has faced 2 disasters Froms hundreds of cultivation members now 13 are alive , the dude only helps family or friends when the disaster has passed even if the his chances r of no use to him and there r no dangers around