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User-5dda88bbLv. 3
1 feb 2023 Joined
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Read 50Ch. #50
A lot of wierd stuff and did not understand a lot. Most importatn thing is MC already got two martail spirits around chapter 45 and up, but his opponants keep saying he did not awake martial spirits yet. What the hell man? Got two martial spirits and not at martial spirits awaken? Not one time, many of his opponant keep saying that. So, at this point I really do not know the true level of MC. A lot of underdog sh*t to the point its confuse the reader like me. They are many more, but just focus on this point is enough for me to stop reading. Pity, it could've been good, concept OK, storyline pass, but this underdog sh*t mess up the whole thing. Pity, as the Chinese novel always said.
Read 36Ch. #36
Very slow start. 9 Chapters in and MC not even cultivated anything. Its like 4 chapters or 5 chapters after MC received the martial training book before his panel lights up. After that, he still did not start to cultivate. Its still at zero progress. Man, I can already see this is going to be a very very very very slow progress type of novel. Even with the system and he hadn't even started after 9 chapters. Well, it must be expected after all MC had eternal life, he can waste 500 years to start Qi refining I guess. Then a thousand years to build foundation. Then 2000 years to golden core and so on. This is what I'm imagine right now after reading 9 chapters. Also the novel did not mention what would've happen if someone drag MC out to the execution ground and cut off his head. Eternal life does not mean invincible, novel did not mention this so leave it to the imagination for now. This is important and will determine how MC live. If he can die, he might end up as a hermit and live in the jungle somewhere to avoid someone killing him while he is still weak. But if he can't die, then he can basically do whatever he want, just stay at book store watching every other life passing by while he try to refine qi. Then 2000 or so years later he might stay among the current civilization with all the modern stuff or something. Writing this I already give up, 9 chapters and no progress whatsoever, I don't think I can force myself to read this slow progress novel.
Read 314Ch. #318
You know what really annoying me to most on this novel? When MC kill higher level enemy and got substantial reward. Instead of being happy and try to figure out how to use the reward. First thing MC said, "what the hell?", or "What is going on?" or "why do I get such high reward?" or something similar. Shouldn't he be happy? Why ask such a stupid question? He don't want it? then reject the damn reward and spare me from reading "what the hell?" "why I got such a reward?". Reading this kind of thinking from MC is annoying as hell. It was almost like MC don't want a good thing to help himself, perhaps he rather stay weak and die? WTF man. Wierd. I try to over look this, but it keep coming up a bit often lately, almost impossible to ignore(meaning I got so damn annoyed by it). Will try a bit more, hope this kind of thing will ease up a bit, otherwise I have to give up this novel.
Read 8Ch. #8
So so, a bit boring.
Read 23Ch. #21
I read to 9 nchapters and already start to be annoyed. MC try to get to training ground to improve. But he got stuck, people doubt his level. Ok test once enough, but WTF, its like 4 to 5 chapters, people still doubt MC's level and won't let him train to improve. Are you F,ing kidding me? Just basice stuff like enter training field already waste 4 to 5 chapters? Child's play? MC already prove his strenght, move on seriously. Stop being picky sh*t. This is early stage, seeing MC try to improve himself but being prevented from doing so for a f_cking stupid stuff is so annoying. Then later this same damn person who keep preventing MC from doing thing also look down on him, now become his sidekick. Let say it, sidekick is annoying enough, but the sidekick with high and mighty attitude is the worst. What a let down man, this novel could've been good. If I were MC, it is aleady kind of me not the beat this sh*t to pieces for his father sake. But to let him hang around and being so annoying? Nope nope nope. give up man. Too bad, it could've been good.
Read 156Ch. #157
When MC talking about buying a bulk carrier ship a 150,000 tons one. I wonder if the author understand the concept of owning one of those? The cheapest bulk carrier(much less than 100,000 tons) would cost around at least US$40 millions. If buy brand new then the cost will be a lot higher run into hundred of millions of USD at lease. Then the crew to handle would be around 30 peoples at least. Fuel burn, this is the one that really hurt the owner if they buy it and let it sit idle(not transport cargo). Then insurances. Wages for the crew. Cost of maintaining and spare parts. Then overhual cost to remove barnicals. Then cost for mooring the ship. It will cost millions of millions of dollars just to maintain the ship. If MC just want to transport gold, then the price of the ship and cost of maintaining it, not worth it. He could buy a 100 feet ship less than 500 tons that could do the job and cost less to maintain. And then MC said he plan to buy more than one big 100000 tons ships. Seriously MC will go broke in no time. He won't be able to find enough gold to cover the cost in the long run. There can only be so many ship wreck in the world. Ships and yatchs are money burning machine. If he buy a suitable size that cost less to maintain, then it would be feasable. Oh cost of hiring a captain not cheap either, a real captain that capable of handling a very big ship. Engineering for maintaining the ship not cheap either. Food cost, all kind of expenses. Then there is taxes for the ship itself that have to be paid yearly. Most important thing, even the ship mooring at anckor and do nothing it will still burn a lot of money for the owner. Not wise at all to buy such a big ship that cost a lot also cost a lot to maintain for such small operation(carrying gold that weight no more than 2000 tons). Simply overkill and costly.
Read 34Ch. #34
I don't know man. Novel that MC had a sidekick. And sidekick always a fatty. Why is it? Then fatty will show his clumsiness in front of MC. Then awe struck by MC power. Then would interfere with MC fight, afraid of MC getting hurt and all that sh*t. Boring man. I think this novel would've do a lot better if there is no sidekick. Just annoying to read about it. Now I am skipping a few chapters here and there hoping to see that MC move away or fatty move away, or one of them got transfer to college and never see each other for long time. Just annoying to read about sidekick which bring nothing but trouble.
Read 15Ch. #15
Reading 14 chapters in, I am started to getting sick and tired of MC's fight got interupted. First it was a class monitor. Then again, when fight with the bear. Worst still, MC know full damn well his pet can only grow after taking souls. Yet he put his pet back in pet space meaning his pet is out of the fight and will be able to take soul. WTF man. Also, with his strength, why not combine fight with his pet and kill the enemy take it's soul? With MC punch it in the nose while his pet spray it with nether fire. This would surely kill his enemy pets with little effort. This is going to be a very slow growth style, with how MC doing thing so far, and with all kind of interferences. His enemy can do a lot of sh*t, no one stop. But when MC going to do sh*t, all kind of people stop him. "F" man, frustrated.
Read 17Ch. #17
In this novel, MC did mentioned he had some kind of gold finger. I read to chap 17, I still did not see any effective gold finger yet. He practice something that came with him from the beginning, but that was about it. System never help him level up, never do any other thing. Manually grinding and practicing. When he had a real fight, he had to fight hard, almost did not make it many times. No gold finger there, even when he wins, nothing. System basically none existance after he arrive to new world. It better if MC did not mention he had gold finger. Because from my point of view, he did not get any gold finger at all.
Read 10Ch. #10
A bit confusing. First, he is dead, all rotten fresh was clean out by him. He basically had no fresh, only skeleton. Yet, when he enter the bar, people seems to know him. Meaning he has fresh and blood. Then after the killing, he return to his home, saying he is just a skeleton no need for spirits. What exactly? Had fresh or not? Talk to the police he must be normal looking, otherwise the police would not talk normal to him. So damn confusing man. Nah. Bye bye