Seing how little word accumulation from the start to the end of the story + reading each chapter titles, I bet this just another apocalypse story with trash ending.
Synopsis potrayed story will be another fulfilment type of story, which I find boring lately (because it's already used so much by other stories)
Judgement: I don't ever bother to read this.
Please if another reader already finished story, and my review is wrong. Please correct me.
This story is pretty good, even though the world running around mc (which I find is really rare).
The power scale from the bottom to highest seems really long, so mc leveling up really fast and become so OP look pretty reasonable (well enemy is stronger than him, so it rather okay, I guess? I don't know about the future)
At earlier chapter, I think there will be your average Chinese nasionalism theme (where author roast other country, especially US and japan) But at later part, author roasting Chinese too (hopefully he will not reported to authorize 😬).
For @gemberforces, about real name. I think the author don't use real name for the MC. I think it's just similar sound but with different word composition, because its translated by MTL, the name has same word too. I not really sure about this, because I don't speak Chinese myself though. But it mentioned in later part of story, it has different wording.
Pretty much solid 3,5/5 by me. Hopefully it will improve, because this story have much potential.
Rating: from 5 star to 2 star
Reason: actually the first half of the novel is really good. Good story telling within reasonable cheat to limit mc power. But later on, the world running around the mc. Mc (probably) treats his children as milking tool to collecting experience poin, unlike the first half of the story where he's intentions really pure.
This is doesn't bother me so much actually, but the Chinese nasionalism become main theme later on. As you already know about Chinese nasionalism, the author like to roast US and Japan so much to the point I doubting them (is it mandatory to Chinese author to trash talking about others country , ex US and Japan?)
The novel where the world run around the MC (other people just a Spector or canon fodder). after 90++ chapter, this story become so bad and boring. It's pretty close to wish fulfilment novel actually, anything mc needed always come to his plate.
Actually this aspect doesn't bother me to much, but I think others people must know. So the author trash talking others country so much to the point worries me.
The mc past seems really traumatic so his personality changed isn't not wrong logically. But, the author not explained these traumatic experience really well so it's really hard to sympathize with mc (the author just descibe it just by one-third sentence mostly).
While I believe someone can change greatly, if he get great stimulus. The mc become scumbag after these, it's really come out nowhere. Believe me, it's just forced logic so this story become dark (but edgy) type of novel.
It's really hard to find exiting part in this ordinary wish fulfilment type of novel honestly. Maybe I just read to many novel so my standard become higher.
Seems like author have ntr fetish. The author potrayed the husband character so badly just to justify ntr plot (I don't know if this type of character exist in reality so it's really hard to make any sense in this arc).