If I can’t invite God, I have no choice but to become a god myself.


186 Capítulos
16281 Vistas
59 Lectores
Ongoing · 16281 Vistas
186 Capítulos · 59 Lectores
3.8(4 reviews)

Resumen de la novela

All things are spiritual. In the long river of time, spirituality condenses and eventually becomes divinity. One night, a god climbed up from the mountain ridge, moving like the sky and the earth were cracking, and speaking human words like thunder. Mountains turn into spirits, and when they move, landslides and landslides occur; rivers turn into spirits, and the waves overturn the sea. There are also wandering clouds in the sky that turn into spirits, which can cause thunder to kill them, and water from the sky to plummet, and ice and snow falling to the ground can destroy a living being. . There are also ancestors, temples, beasts, mechanized spirits... The world has entered the age of divinity. Those who practice as spiritual masters can make the gods enter the bottle and turn them into gods; they can also borrow power from the gods to make a contract, control thunder, and possess supernatural powers. For those with strong talents, when they are born, thousands of spirits will come from across the sky and try to get into the bottle. Chen Shu has been practicing for decades, but he has never invited gods to enter the bottle, and he has not received any power from gods when he worships him. He is called a person without talent. One day, Chen Shu suddenly woke up: "Is there a possibility?" "Am I a god too?"


  • If I can’t invite God, I have no choice but to become a god myself.
  • 请不到神的我只好自己成神
Fecha De Adición9 de mayo de 2024
El autor
Semana Rank#1898
Mes Rank#4012
Todas Rank#4280
TagsCultivation,Gods,Immortals,Male Protagonist