Only till chapter 175. But this is even better then I thought. Was thinking it will be all fighting. But there is actually plot here. Kinda sad MC and Cao Cao is bringing to drift about though. But there still a lot to read. So things may change
Chapter 40. And going to imperal palace arc. Breathe of fresh air compare to the other novels here.
But will need to read more before I can actually decide if it is good or bad. But for now it is 5 star
40 chapter in. And Yes. I feel uncomfortable about the rapist father part no matter what the reason they give.. But if u power through that. It is actually a good book worth the read
A great Romance Story and a good classic music introduction novel as well.
I like a book that teach me about music I heard before but did not know the name. Using YouTube to listen to the song and reading this is great
Tag shouldn't have Evil protagonist. It wrong. Read to chapter 80 and this is great. Male MC have a villian runner system that earn point with helping the villian bully the Hero. But Villian is reincarnated and don't have to be a villian any more, but MC keeping spoiling her plan and just making the hero hate the villian unintentionally, making the villian doubt her life. It funny as shit. Hope it maintain this progress ...
Main MC skill set. The Slap of wonders.
And Ignore the Trash review here on religion. This is a chinese web novel. There nothing about religion agenda here except your own ass agenda. People here just wanna push their own agenda even in this website. PATHETIC LOL
Hmm. I am at chapter 148... but i think title should be as other comment.** Father who wanna fight forever who currently have a 4 year old daughter with hint of being a lesbin **
At chapter 330. Bringing in the heavenly court mythology is a great move. I really feel sad for Neza
The 1 star comment here have no idea what they are talking about. Or they didn't finish the first life simulation at all. Each simulation story is different from each other and Heartbreaking, but reunion of the character in the overall story is great. I find myself looking forward to that and also the cabinet battle as well.
Well read only 47 chapter for now. A breathe of fresh air from the usual book you read here. But if you are looking for battle style or sect. Then this is not for you. It gives e me a more slice of life feeling. But I could be wrong. In short, an interesting book
Was having some expectation when reading this. But this have exceeded it. As funny as shit. Still have a Harem here. But they are not dumbass or one dimension like other novel. Each Heroine is actually readable.
But take note. It not a evil villian novel though, it that your thing, this novel is not for you
Wasn't expecting much. But i really really like it. Don't really play visual novel game. But this novel started me on a collecting journey of these type of games now