~382.7 hour of reading·22964 chapter read
LucifrasLv. 2
1 Mar 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #1554


Perks & Levels
1780 / 3650


Read 808Ch. #715
Read 44Ch. #42
Read 28Ch. #24
Read 576Ch. #500
Read 186Ch. #184
Nah this is pretty bad its hard to keep track on whats happening, theres fighting that last for like 20chapters just fighting 1dude its fking boring yet when something interesting happens its over in less than a chapter. Can’t say ill recommend this one
Read 637Ch. #615
Read 811Ch. #787
It’s not a bad read, theres some “black” people racism going on that makes it 3stars and not 4stars but overall its readable. Cant say I noticed any he or she mistakes most names was correct all these novels hate the word earth but not that it rly matter and Thor being called sol half of the time. It doesn’t rly have the usual mtl mistakes so thats good, as a fiction its good if ur into overpowered mc and behind the scenes mc. I did end up skipping some chapters as some just felt like an info dump but it never felt like I missed anything by doing so. I’d recommend giving it a read as long as you dont mind some racism (all the racism parts are skippable youre not losing anything from the story by skipping it)
Read 179Ch. #173
Its chaotic from the first chapter to the last chapter, each time you start to understand what's going on all of a sudden something strange not fitting in happens like its iron man 1 and in the middle of it were now in godzilla and half a chapter later now its iron man 3 like wtf
Read 117Ch. #107
I feel like I’m becoming a retard by reading this trash
Read 104Ch. #104
If the mc was a bit more aggressive it would be pretty good as he’s op as hell. But hes so fking passive its so fking boring to read what’s the fking point in being op if you don’t act almost every chapter have ppl getting attacked and hes like it will be fine even if I do nothing (never ends well) I read alot of pure shit on this site but this one is the worst one so far. Unless ye have nothing else to read stay away as this is pure trash