~408.6 hour of reading·24513 chapter read
ArkanLandLv. 2
30 Mar 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #1443


Perks & Levels
2620 / 3650


Read 239Ch. #294
Major stories involved are Reincarnation Paradise and Legendary Mechanic. Very boring with an mc (Chi Yao) that suffers greatly from comparison to the original mc's of the previous two stories (Su Xiao RP and Han Xiao LM). Chi Yao is boring, stupid and weak in comparison to the other mc's and you'll constantly find yourself asking why we're following him instead of them when they're much more interesting and competent. Plot wise nothing interesting happens, it's just the author pulling a bunch of random stuff out of nowhere that doesn't mesh well together and ends up making the story feel disjointed and poorly planned.
Read 249Ch. #249
Pretty solid story but there's really no point reading past book 1 (Lord of the Rings/Hobbit). Stopping there ends the story on a high note and given the book ends abruptly (and badly) it's the better, more natural stopping point.
Read 266Ch. #262
Starts pretty good but unfortunately past ch220 the majority of chapters have major technical problems. Either the chapter is only a small incomplete blurb or all of the text is smashed together in one giant blob. At the time of this review 3/5/25 I can't recommend reading this.
Read 459Ch. #464
Really good, good mix of digimon (and a random Yugioh monster) and an interesting enough story. Major demerit is the abrupt ending that just rushes the last 5% of the story to an unsatisfying end. Still worth a read though.
Read 224Ch. #237
Overall it's just okay. Starts out reasonably well but by the middle becomes repetitive and boring. Combined with that and the fact that 99% the plot beats come from Sword/Shield and Indigo/Violet means that I personally wasn't interested (because I don't like those games).
Read 264Ch. #320
Pretty good at first, but the second half is where it gets great. Seeing the mc use his universe creator powers doesn't usually happen in these novels so it was a fun surprise and the world the mc creates is also pretty cool. Definitely recommend reading.
Read 80Ch. #80
The gimmick (mc is super strong) gets boring by the second dungeon. Despite being essentially One Punch Man, the mc still hides his strength and takes forever to do stuff it should really take him maybe 15 minutes to do, ends up feeling like word count padding. The plot itself isn't good/interesting enough for the reader to want to continue reading when there's a complete lack of any and all tension or progression for the mc. It's just the mc being looked down on/underestimated before face slapping the ghosts/other players over and over again.
Read 145Ch. #143
One of those "hidden strength" novels where the mc has a persecution complex and goes far beyond reasonable lengths to hide how strong he is including slowing his own cultivation and forgoing rewards in a pointless effort to be "low key". The mc also constantly uses his "high-level" spells and then just tells the many, many people who see him do so to "keep it secret for him", and for no reason at all, they do!? I mean I'm talking about many dozens of dozens people including freaking military officers who all lie to superiors and investigators for somebody they don't know/just met! It's crazy SoD breaking. (It also of course doesn't work since the author still wants drama, but that's another thing).
Read 321Ch. #434
Awful translation, like worst of the worst. Sentences start and stop randomly or are mixed up so badly as to be incomprehensible. Chapters are incorrect and run on, multiple chapters in a single site chapter that cuts off and starts again next site chapter but sometimes missed a sentence or two. You can force through and get the general gist of what's going on but it's not worth it for a mediocre story like this one.
Read 240Ch. #230
The mc is a weak moron and the system is awful. It's a system slave novel (mc has to do what the system says or it punishes him) and the tasks are all stupid, like the first task which has the mc receive some change for something he bought at the store and the system sense that one of the coins was previously stolen (as in not from the mc, but from somebody else and then spent and they made their way to the mc) so the system forces the mc to locate the thief and force him to write an apology note, not to the person he stole from but to the "Holy Light" itself. The system is is also just weak in general, more trouble than it's worth and takes forever to give the mc any worth especially sense he stared out as the asguaridan version of a cripple (smaller and weaker than everybody else).