At least 4 stars, +1 for personal bias.
Edit: I find the person below funny, as someone who study all philosophies, he lacked reading comprehension and understanding.
This guy rages about a strategic thinking of an individual(cultivator) against the culmination of insights of thousands(netizens), clearly this guy never went to a single forum to understand the horror of modern people about this kind of things, or he just want to underestimate us.
About his rage on foundation building limit, I find it funnier, if the MC couldn't even break through his limit, with these researches, preparations, and efforts, then why bother to study and cultivate immortals. This MC has more scientific that this guy who study all philosophies XD.
About research speed broooo, why is that even a problem, us humans took many many years to go from stone age to bronze age, then this couple of centuries we went from industrial revolution to information age, even if some scientific endeavors reached bottleneck it doesn't mean we aren't getting faster research speed lol, there are scientific and mathematical breakthroughs and findings every year, albeit that it wont have large impact to most human, for these scientist and mathematicians benefits and expand their theoretical base for understanding the world.
You study all philosophies and yet you seem to forget where philosophy lies XD.
Its fucking understanding.
So what if the MC survives, bro don't read this junk if you aren't capable of acceptance and understanding, what you list isn't major flaws at all but pettiness, and narrow-mindedness. How can you study philosophy if you're stuck in inertial thinking.
The MC is more philosophical than you are.
Edit 2: Lol, you are raging again? I've read at least three of the novels and manga you've listed, then so what? You think as if you are only person who reads in here. Remember science started from philosophy, and the way the MC formulates his theory are from philosophical way, btw I've letter limit so I won't argue with you anymore.
At least 4 star, honghuang world took a lot of minus points for this book, out of all worlds created honghuang took most chapter and the most boring(coz we already know what happened by reading a lot of cn novels), aside from that it is good actually, but i think it ended pretty hastily, in my opinion it could go at least 500-1000 chapters more, but yeah, finished reading this. +1 for personal bias.