it is good until now and a protagonist character development is going well also and it shows world power good and it is not like other novel always mc getting in problem without using brain
It is a good novel but it could be better if there was more im detail like how superpowerful martial power is and how hard for the people to het the power and if there were also beast like treee or plant which can be tame just like that ........
Overall it is good novel
It is a good novel but it always shows that after getting seal mc always encounter a problem he is always on a way from problem and there is not much shown or tell about world view like they are in city or village or capital anything and there is not shown clearly who is the leader just shown black commander army and it doesn't show what job other people does and overall i don't get the world building right at first it says world is in tree where numerous small world like there in leaf but it does'nt show us other world are connected or not for me to novel to be interesting it should have a little bit world information and mc should be able to cultivate properly not like every evil case was deal with mc it shows like up to other people were wasting time.
But novel is good you can try yourself and experience upto 10 chapters before ignoring it.