~372.8 hour of reading·22365 chapter read
RsTadeLv. 2
13 May 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #1603


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Read 541Ch. #460
Currently on Chapter 155 It's a good concept. With interesting ideas. But it fails to hit it's stride. The author relies on the face slapping trope too often. Even though the story is good enough without that type of nonsense. 3/5 Average, wasted potential,
Read 222Ch. #189
Not recommended Brainrot you will lose brain cells with every chapter you read MC is the champion Marty Sue! Novel is the HIGHEST level of Nonsense. Wishful thinking to the max! The translation is good. But other than that there's nothing to really recommend about this novel. There's the usual hate against Japan and South Korea that's to be expected in Chinese novels.
Read 1293Ch. #687
Basically almost a complete copy paste on the novel. " Losing money to be a Tycoon" It's interesting. With nothing really special to really differentiate it from the original. A good effort though.
Read 955Ch. #611
Masterclass. A good concept that always keeps you guessing. It's a fun read The translation is a bit clunky but it's not very noticeable. This author was courting death (404) with every chapter they wrote! On the surface it's a cultivation novel, but scratch a bit nd it's a commentary on Chinese society and some of the ills of society in general. You'll be reading and you will go "wait a minute!" and the story goes on as if nothing happened. Once or twice you might think you're over thinking but it keeps happening. Through out the story.
Read 534Ch. #576
It's a funny story. The humour is spot on. Good concept. Well implemented. Translation is a bit clunky but it doesn't make it unreadable. MC is fully equipped with plot armour, but the author did a good job of not making it irritating.
Read 143Ch. #120
A very good story. Cut short I hope the author finishes it one day. The start is a bit awkward but after that it really starts to flow. I broke my golden rule of avoiding stories with less than 400 chapters and I paid the price. Now I will keep wondering if the story is ever going to be finished 😞
Read 1Ch. #1284
This was good very good.
Read 2290Ch. #2014
404! 404! CHAPTER NOT FOUND! I gave up around chapter 1744 the story was practically unreadable at that point. The CENSORS went wild on this story. I feel for the author this was a really good story but in the end it was spoiled by the CENSORSHIP. Whole story arcs 404'ed. In the end I've given up. It's good. The concept is new and interesting. It's a bit hard to read at times because of the Chinese failure to understand hypocrisy/irony " bich and moan about how Chinese are called cheaters and thieves. And then the MC proceeds to do the thing he was complaining about. The usual racism, nationalism and plenty of it. But criticism is also levelled at the Chinese as well so... The CENSORS took a machete to this story...
Read 961Ch. #835
Nice story. A bit slow but not too much. MC who is interested in the process not about using future knowledge just to become rich.
Read 576Ch. #557
It's OK can't complain