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#241 The Poison Doctor Mad Concubine is a Bit Tugged毒医狂妃有点拽
2554 Chapters
3446 weekly view
38 Readers
Ongoing · 3446 weekly view
2554 Chapters · 38 Readers
She, the only descendant of Chinese ancient martial arts, a stunning ghost hand genius doctor, once passed through into the Ye family waste lady. Open your eyes again, the sky and the earth are surgi...Show more
#242 The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars星球大战之第四天灾
2258 Chapters
3441 weekly view
107 Readers
Ongoing · 3441 weekly view
2258 Chapters · 107 Readers
Take over a Homeworld mothership and travel to the world of Star Wars? Tang Xiao: “This world is so dangerous. Mom, I want to go home.” Wait a minute, the mothership database actually has “Original ...Show more
#243 Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying霍格沃茨:伏地魔也别阻止我学习
238 Chapters
3439 weekly view
159 Readers
Ongoing · 3439 weekly view
238 Chapters · 159 Readers
Wade: I only studied at Hogwarts for seven years, which means 266 weeks excluding holidays! Even if I can finish a book in a week, 266 weeks is only 266 books! How many magic books are there in the Ho...Show more
#244 Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!给大帝收尸,我暴涨万年修为!
1441 Chapters
3436 weekly view
117 Readers
Ongoing · 3436 weekly view
1441 Chapters · 117 Readers
Lin Wudao traveled through time and had an invincible corpse collection system. As long as you collect corpses for the strong, you can get things they owned or came into contact with during their life...Show more
#245 Extremely cold apocalypse: I use a cornucopia to store billions of supplies极寒末世:我用聚宝盆囤亿万物资
984 Chapters
3426 weekly view
98 Readers
Ongoing · 3426 weekly view
984 Chapters · 98 Readers
(Rebirth + space + unlimited copying + decisive killing + no heroine + one person and one dog) If I can copy infinitely, how should you deal with it?  The strongest solar flare in the history of hum...Show more
#246 The Fruit of Surgery美漫之手术果实
1752 Chapters
3413 weekly view
69 Readers
Ongoing · 3413 weekly view
1752 Chapters · 69 Readers
Wesker. Stark. What kind of damn world is this? Shen Fei, who has caught up with the time travel trend, couldn't help but shout.
#247 Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification修仙:从提升灵根资质开始
649 Chapters
3409 weekly view
124 Readers
Ongoing · 3409 weekly view
649 Chapters · 124 Readers
Zhou Xun traveled through the world of immortality and became a casual cultivator in Hongyefang. Fortunately, he discovered that his spiritual root qualifications could be continuously improved. Low-g...Show more
#248 Global Lords: Start as a Desert Lord全球领主:开局成为沙漠领主
652 Chapters
3401 weekly view
250 Readers
Completed · 3401 weekly view
652 Chapters · 250 Readers
Introduction: lord, farming, cultivation, troops, exploration, development Tens of billions of people around the world have traveled to the game world of "Era of Radiance", and all of them have become...Show more
#249 Global power: Awakening of the Purple Sky Divine Thunder at the beginning全球异能:开局觉醒紫霄神雷
818 Chapters
3397 weekly view
141 Readers
Ongoing · 3397 weekly view
818 Chapters · 141 Readers
In the world of Blue Star, ferocious beasts are raging. Everyone can awaken their superpowers and have the opportunity to become a strong and powerful person! However, Xu Jingming who traveled throug...Show more
#250 Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe从黑袍开始成为究极生物
461 Chapters
3384 weekly view
198 Readers
Ongoing · 3384 weekly view
461 Chapters · 198 Readers
Xia Shang, who had been paralyzed for three years due to a car accident, accidentally traveled to the world of the Black Robe Patrol. He was also a security guard under the Vought Company, responsible...Show more