Haftalık Sıralama

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#351 Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure末世:我能看见血条,杀怪掉宝
642 Chapters
2675 weekly view
136 Readers
Ongoing · 2675 weekly view
642 Chapters · 136 Readers
April 4th. The end of the world is coming, mountains and rivers are collapsing, and the world is turning into purgatory. April 5. "Brother Xiao Wang, before I die, I beg you to take care of your siste...Show more
#352 Interstellar: Start as a cleaner星际:从清洁工开始
940 Chapters
2674 weekly view
186 Readers
Ongoing · 2674 weekly view
940 Chapters · 186 Readers
In the interstellar era, Yang Bo discovered that he could randomly obtain abilities from the objects he killed! Kill a goldfish and swim +1! Kill a bat, sonic positioning +1! Kill a mouse, dynamic vis...Show more
#353 Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead全民领主:从亡灵开始百倍增幅
1058 Chapters
2673 weekly view
194 Readers
Completed · 2673 weekly view
1058 Chapters · 194 Readers
Wake up, the whole people cross. Everyone has their own territory and becomes a lord. Fang Hao, who also crossed, opened his eyes but was a farmer who was recruited and was driven into the tiger’s m...Show more
#354 The Wizarding Age巫师纪元
1588 Chapters
2664 weekly view
151 Readers
Ongoing · 2664 weekly view
1588 Chapters · 151 Readers
The young man who broke into the wizard continent with a biological auxiliary chip, relying on the advantage of knowledge, thrived in the alien world. Here is the fantasy and strange wizard world, Her...Show more
#355 I was expelled from Hogwarts?我被霍格沃茨开除了?
840 Chapters
2646 weekly view
94 Readers
Ongoing · 2646 weekly view
840 Chapters · 94 Readers
"Professor McGonagall has detected a tabby cat form, forced to masturbate for 30 seconds, reward: transfiguration talent!" "A handicapped Voldemort was detected, help install the nose, reward: Parsel...Show more
#356 Three-stream detection simulator[综英美]三流侦探模拟器
212 Chapters
2642 weekly view
25 Readers
Completed · 2642 weekly view
212 Chapters · 25 Readers
Hercule traveled through time with his fully-leveled simulator account. Because he was dissatisfied with the title of "third-rate", he put all his attribute points on intelligence. So the keywords at ...Show more
#357 Devour the Ancient Emperor吞噬古帝
4605 Chapters
2642 weekly view
102 Readers
Ongoing · 2642 weekly view
4605 Chapters · 102 Readers
Young Su Chen had his emperor's bones taken away from him, his blood wheel was destroyed, and he was abandoned by his family. Awakening the Chaos Body, opening the Chaos Devouring Tower, reuniting the...Show more
#358 Rebirth of the Super Banking System重生之超级银行系统
2406 Chapters
2642 weekly view
119 Readers
Completed · 2642 weekly view
2406 Chapters · 119 Readers
Tang Qing was born again in 2004. He had no funds and missed the initial development of the Internet, and he obtained a banking system where he could borrow money. This is a story of waving banknotes...Show more
#359 Douluo: This Tang San is different斗罗:这个唐三不一样
583 Chapters
2635 weekly view
128 Readers
Completed · 2635 weekly view
583 Chapters · 128 Readers
Traveler 1: "Tang San, you took your body to be reborn, you are extremely abominable!" Snapped! Tang San slapped him and cursed: "You are reincarnated and awakened to the memory of your previous life,...Show more
#360 Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times血祭百万丧尸,我在末世当魔修
613 Chapters
2628 weekly view
93 Readers
Ongoing · 2628 weekly view
613 Chapters · 93 Readers
Zheng Yi traveled to the world of immortal cultivation, doing nothing, and became a casual cultivator at the bottom of the world of immortal cultivation. Occasionally, he traveled to the doomsday worl...Show more