In 1984, Alice decided to change the world. “The first step is to make a net worth of hundreds of billions of dollars. All walks of life are involved, and we will turn the United States into our own back garden!” “The next steps have not been thought out yet, but now that they have reached this level, talking about money is too tasteless.” “Well, then change the world as much as you like!” As a result, the goddess Alice shines on America, leading mankind to prosperity, to the future, and to the new world! It’s a pity, even if someone changes the world so badly, she can’t turn herself back into a boy…
Başlıklar |
Durum | Completed |
Eklenme Tarihi | 19 Mart 2023 |
Yazar | |
Tür | fan-fiction,urban-life,yuri |
Haftalık | #3555 |
Aylık | #4181 |
Tüm Zamanlar | #5164 |
Etiketler | Business Management,Calm Protagonist,Cunning Protagonist,Early Romance,Famous Protagonist,Female Protagonist,Genius Protagonist,Male to Female,Parallel Worlds,Racism,Reincarnation,System,Writers |