~97.3 hour of reading·5836 chapter read
Aug 12, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #3072


I feel like he wasted so much wish with the dragon balls, if potential wise he could clearly wish for his potential to get better in literal sense instead of going the other way around that's dumb
another edgy mc, it's really a boring novel. nerds are the most powerful people in the story
I changed my mind, the final volume sucks i can't get myself to read it since it restart the story to another beginning. I can't delve into the story its disappointing really I just have to create an ending with my mind
This novel would be great if the author isn't brain dead, there's no planning or originality at all, the system and the skills he got has more potential and the author didn't use it properly. it feels like he just keep on forcing things to do what he likes that isn't compatible with the novel, the plot sucks the mc is dumb asf he wasted his skills and didn't even explore the full potential of it, if there's a rating of negative star I give it -9999999
My Empire
Aug 21, 2024
3/5, the author fumbled in the last part. he rushed the ending he's eager to finish the novel without giving enough detail to the empire
Deep Space Fleet
Aug 18, 2024
it's a cliffhanger, the author suddenly finished the novel when there's too many things to write about, you can say that the story is unfinished. what a waste /sigh*
I would rate this 5 star if somebody could tell me how to fix the error (the chapter crawling is running), I can't read some of the chapters it's kinda annoying thank you.
his life as a lion in africa was the most amazing part in the novel,and the author changing to a some mutant bs changed the story into a trash. whyy?whyyy?
Rise of Rurik
Aug 13, 2024
I thought that this novel would be good but hell no, I expect some medieval history but instead it's some random bs. bro literally introduced some advance sht to an tribal society(not technology tree but the business prototype that he makes, it's bs why tf he introduced it when there's many things that he can do and he introduced it instead he's making a tribal society into an capitalist, and bro is hypocrite asf)the flow of the story sucks, and the random historical facts literally popped out out of nowhere there's no connection to the narrative didn't even bother connecting it in the actual chapter it should. yeah 1/5