~640.6 hour of reading·38434 chapter read
Sep 26, 2022 Joined
All time reader rank #398


Read till chap 107 and skip 257-259, 264-265, 282 - 327... Sweet but too much abuse...pity my weak heart...nice story
Read till chap 526 and skip ending....A good story... But maybe I already read the author other book not long ago,it feels a bit similar... Especially in concept and background... So it make me feel a bit bored sometimes while reading... But I think it's a great story... Have good plot development and nice gold fingers.. very steady... suitable for relax reading...
Chap 160... Good story but I'm impatient person...
Read till chap 150
Read till chap 109
Read till chap 53
Good and motivating story...
Read till chap 324..