~527.4 hour of reading·31644 chapter read
Jul 14, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #553


The poison is too deep, beware. My three-celled brain hurts.
Hey, this is not bad at all
I'll test the poison, I hope it can equal Boss Pei's money losing story. Edit: Its not bad, but isn't as funny as Boss Pei, but with as interesting premise, it doesn't get stale yet for me, I'll comeback when I'm half way through the story or when I caught up, as it stands I give 5 star still. Edit 2: I'm at chapter 305, the novel noticeably started to throw some info dumps, its not much but it started to build some reading fatigue, honestly I thought the story would go better when around chapter 280, i think where it did get a lot of momentum for me and got me craving for more. I'll stop for now and come back again when the fatigue is gone. As of now, there is no big flaw for this one, though for me its league behind Boss Pei story, i think that info dumps are bound to happen since that was the case on Boss Pei, but it was redeemed at the ending, I can only see that this novel is going to a different ending. 5 stars still. Edit 3: Around 520+ chapters, there are missing chapters and some chapters are jumbled, tho the story got better foreshadowing as it progress, info dumps isn't as strong as expected, it has good pace, good plot progression, good development, and many many good things really likeable, its worth a read. Edit 4: I caught up. I want more. Need more. 5 stars.
Good beast taming novel. Although a bit slow paced, and has some plot armor convenience it is good enough for 4.5 stars, not an absolute classic, or a defining novel, but the novel doesn't get boring or stale, at least for me(caught up). Its good and bingeable and fun.
A classic novel, comedy is peak(backstabbing pei/misunderstanding), though it has stale moment and lots of info dumps in between. The ending is thought provoking and a major plus. Deserves 5 star
Never read the novel and accidentally rated it so I put it on 3 stars.
This novel is about 4 star overall, added one coz I like this type of novel. Its nowhere near against peak novel that really deserve a five star. Nor was it the boring for me to think that its just good time waster novel for 3 star. Its something in between.
Almost at 600 chapters when the novel started to become stale. But its a good novel, objectively its a 3.5 - 4 star evaluation, but I add one since I'm a bit biased, and like it.