~201.9 hour of reading·12113 chapter read
Apr 14, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #1756


Valkyrie Sovereign
Sep 18, 2024
By ch. 4, you already have a dude jacking off to several sleeping girls, one of them then getting kidnapped by another dude, then she was stripped and almost raped, as well as the MC watching it all from the shadow and having a freaking nosebleed like he's a JP beta male, like no matter what comes after this, you can already tell this is going to be absolute trash on an epic scale.
Another urban harem novel with an arrogant MC, that picks fight with evil people, that end up kidnapping his harem members to use against him. it's like all these fucking authors have to ruin their novels by using the same tired ass "save the damsel in distress" trope in every one of these types of novel. This author, like most of them, used it in the first hundred chapters. ffs
Martial God Asura
Sep 17, 2024
This is one of the first novels I ever read years ago and while it was decent enough but it did get kinda boring after awhile, I think I stopped around 1900, and if I remember right, I didn't even finish the arc, like his relationship with the 2nd Asura spirit just annoyed me enough that it was basically the final straw for me caring about the novel in general.
My review as of Ch.390: This novel could've been good, even great, but the author tries to write a story where the MC thinks his strength is slightly stronger than his enemies, but it usually ends of being slightly weaker, which leads him to suffer loses quite often. Another problem is, he loves just wasting his very limited system resources, like he'll spend thousands of his system resources improving his martial skills but they never ever mean anything because he buys robots bodyguard that always do the fighting but because he waste so some much on himself instead of his robot bodyguards, he almost dies several times and ofc he cultivates slow as hell as well, he's only at the dark realm-late stage (2nd of 4 greater realms on earth). Last thing that somewhat annoys me (although most people probably don't care) is the sheer lack of actually female characters in general but also strong female chars, for instance, this novel only has 2 females chars that's in more than 30 chapters, and the strongest female char, in the near 400 chapters is only in the 2nd greater realm, which is just insane.
If you like a story where the MC is pampering/teaching his children, while at the same time traveling around his wife's empire, then this is for you but-------Spoiler------- The MC is weak at the beginning but by ch.20 he's stronger than his wife, throughout the story he helps his wife solve problems in her empire from the shadows and she doesn't find out till the last chapter, after she confronts him about it, she confess and they finally get together, meaning that 99.9% of the entire book goes by and he's "hide his true ability" from her and they never actually sleep together the entire book (if you don't count before ch.1), just a complete failure of a story.
This might be good but one of the twins is a male and I just don't like reading about male children.
Against the Gods
Sep 7, 2024
My review up to ch.520 While the story moves pretty fast and the MC also cultivates fast as well, the main problem is it's really repetitive, 99% of the chars are male, and almost zero char development, like I can deal with repetition (most CN novels have it to a certain extent) but you gotta have something else besides cultivate>recruit>conquer> cultivate etc... If 20%-30% of the(what seems like) 100 name male subordinates were female that would help some because if nothing else, it would mix it up a little or if there was a few slice-of-life chapters with his 3 harem members or sisters, like just freaking something to where 99% of the dialogue isn't the MC talking to another dude.
This looked kinda interesting but author had to ruin it by have that "Yao Xing" in the MC head, I'm just so tired of that trope that it makes me drop the novel as soon as I see it. I'll never understand why mostly conservative CN authors like having a male ghost in the MC's head in a harem novel.