~915.1 hour of reading·54909 chapter read
Feb 1, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #206


Chapter 7, I already hate(I really mean hate) this novel already. MC found a qualify person to accept, but he keep on delaying, keep on thinking, keep on looking. WTF man. If he just look and nothing happen that is one thing. But while he's looking, the clan member of this person already suppress him, bad mouth about him right in front of MC. That is his future deciple, or soon to be. Yet he did not get it done right away and delay that meke his soon to be deciple suffer a lot more. Is this the additute of the future master? He himself is a piece of trash, without system he would'be been a dead man. Now he is showing off? F F F F man Scene in this chapter 7 is totally unessary. At least it would not happen if I were the MC. Stupid, pretending bast**d. Can't take this kind of novel. bye bye
Chapter 164. The writer messes up. Two chapters prior to this, MC killed a big powerful guy, and then kill another less powerful guy. but the system do not give him reward whatsover. Totally uncharesteristic of the system. The system always in the panic and always give MC a very big boost to ensure MC better survival. But this time the writer totally focus on MC showing off, MC dealing with small matter, he/she totally forget that system did not give out big reward yet, after killing 2 big man two chapters ago. Another thing, with such a system, isn't it too much to ask to provide a full breakthrough package? Why MC have to understand to law on his own? Why not give a full deal and let MC breakthrough? Why must MC fight with lower strength against the guy that much much more powerful? Why must stick to the underdog style? Almost all Chinese novels stick to underdog style. MC will always have lower cultivation, but always have all kind of big buff that help him overcome. Why not just make MC have stronger cultivation? Why keep sticking on the same routime? Underdog, come from behind. I must've read more than hundreds of this style. It is getting bored.
Typical come from behind or underdog novel style. Nothing new. MC will always have lower cultivation level than others, but his combat power much higher and equivalent to a higher realm cultivation. Also, when he tries to upgrade his cultivation it will be much harder than normal, thus, keeping his underdog profile throughout the novel. Even with the system, he will look weak easy to be bullied by others. Then the face slapping underdog will repeat itself. Boring. I must have read more than hundreds of this underdog style novel. Isn't it easier to have MC cultivation level high with the help of system? Why complicate thing by making MC have lower cultivation but add all kind of power to suppliment? Just higher cultivation and beat the sh*t of his enemies and thats it. It seems most of the novel writers can't break this shackle, and keep on making MC become underdog and all the face slappoing stuff. Seeing hundreds of these novel, it getting bored.
I read till chapter 290. During this time, I keep thinking in my head, why MC keep on traveling? Why he keeps seeking for treasures? He got all that just from signing in. Why bother? Ok, sometime he went out to seek deciples, but did he need it? The answer is no, his system did not require him to do so. With what his sect had was already made MC's sect powerful. Just pick up new blood that come to the door every now and then would've been sufficient. No need to travel at all. Then during travel, he pick up more chicks. From my observation, all MC traveling, seek new deciples, seek trasures, pick up more chicks, all these are form of filling. Keep the routine when the writer run out of ideas. I'm getting bored. Will end my reading here.
I read till chapter 16. Earlier MC gain some pills that could've helped his 3 daughters improve. It was like 4th to 5th chapters, I don't remember exactly, that he got those pills. Yet, till this chapter 16 he still had no intention, or even think about helping his child. Is this really love? Or the writer really have no child and really do not understand the concept of father's love. Father who whould've give everything good to his child at every possible moment. This novel story line kinda off here. Well, will read a few more, if I see his child got desperate(lack of stength) and got bullied, then MC give the pills, I woud be so pissed. He should've done it sooner, at first opportune moment, if he really love his child that is.
A very very stupid novel. Many time MC bring trouble to himself by not cutting off the root of the problem. He let enemy escape(not hunting the damn evil to the end). His enemy came back and cause more touble. Nope nope nope, can't stand the stupidity of MC. Too dumb, too stupid, reading further would hurt my brain cells. Bye bye
Even this novel is a system related novel. Implying MC shoiuld get a super bug and buff and super OP due to the system. But in reality MC is the underdog in all his fight. He always a weak chicken fight the strong and have a hard fight with luck to win his fight. This is a typical come from behind underdog style novel. Not suited for system type novel at all, system should give MC big advantage over his enemy, but not this novel. Reading this novel I feel system had a very minimal role for MC progress, MC rely mainly on luck and hard work, hard fight to survive. Get rid of the system seriously. Make a different style novel if the writer want to focus on underdog stuff.
What kind of dog sh*t system is this? To advance there were all kind of limitations. This that there and more just to advance. This is no different than having no system at all. Only benefit for the system I see so far is it allow MC to be a beast tamer. After that, in order to advance something he has to past many rules and limitations. Even intermediate beast tamer skill was not provide by the sytem, not even a system store to buy this skill. I call this a dog-sh*t system. Totally useless.
I put up with slow progress for a while. Till chapters 62+, I got fed up with this crap. Seriously, MC had a system yet his progress is really slow. People are more powerful than him. Female ghost more powerful than him even though he had 10 years of cultivation with a lot of props. He still can't decisively kill a 2 years old ghost. A lot of talk before the fight, but during the fight MC suffer from the female ghost. And this is with the help of the system. So, either MC sucks big time or system is useless. Only these two explain why MC fight with a 2 years old ghost and suffer. I had enough. Can't continue. Sucks.
I read and waited for quite sometime. Understand MC is piece of trash and require some time to get strong after receive the system. Yet more than 35-36 chapters plus, MC is still a piece of trash. He need woman protection. He needs all kinds of weird protection. System protection cost him arms and legs, can't use it. Weak piece of trash that would not have survived if the two women didn't help him. What is the use of the system? From the pace of progress, it might take MC 100's of years before he could beat someone decent. My patient has run out. Bye bye