~384.4 hour of reading·23067 chapter read
Feb 26, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #879


it is strange to me that what stands out to a lot of people here is “chinese nationalism” when a large chunk of the story is instead conspiratorial racist anti-semitic drivel about jews and african-americans. the “chinese nationalism” on display here is barely nationalism, and more reactionary bs against those elements and has no uniquely chinese characteristics. u see other countries join the “chinese” essentially unite (many instances where the “koreans”, the “russians”, the “middle east” and even the europeans join the MC after minimal negotiations) to fight the blue menace with a vague notion of a “deep state”.
immature and stupid
EXTREMELY nerf’d mc. a lot of pointless face slapping and the way the plot progresses is slow only for the sake of being slow. 300 chapters in and the MC hasn’t learned a new skill since level 15 and hasn’t meaningfully gotten stronger at all in more than 200 chapters. all the drops and rewards he gets are either things that are not relevant to the game at the moment he gets them or just completely useless not for his profession. and this repeats over and over again. a lot of “big brain” conspiracy betrayal backstabbing stuff which honestly if anyone treats with any degree of seriousness they should be sent back to middle school. one of the most retarded ones i’ve read.
Interesting story so far but the realms are… quite vague and confusing at best. I’m not sure if it’s because google translate is being unusually bad or if it’s just words which are inherently difficult to translate or something wrong with the author. whatever the case might be at some points it basically becomes unreadable bc u have no idea what “level” the MC is at.
Please add Fan-Fiction tag. After chapter 33-ish all of a sudden you have Marvel and Naruto.
MC has many insanely OP talents and is FARRR ahead of everyone in levels and synchronisation.. and yet is somehow always on the weaker side and every tom, dick and harry can somehow still "compete" with him. the writer, bc he couldn't think of plots and always stuck with cliched subplots to advance the story, has defined no sense of power for the MC, the real world and the game world.
i HATE the game of chicken where MC does something incredible, like breaking the combat dummies at school, and then runs away afraid of having to pay for the dummies and no one ever finds out who did it even though everyone is looking for the GENIUS who did it. like author do you think the readers are as retarded as you are? be for real like this guy is LOOKING FOR MONEY and there is an OPPORTUNITY TO GET THE SCHOOL'S ATTENTION AND SUPPORT and he just fucking scurries away.. and to what end? to NO end, NO purpose, NO rationale, NOTHING other than the CONVENIENCE such an action lends the author to WRITE A CLICHE SUB-PLOT that every reader of this genre has seen probably a BILLION times before. moron.
aimless and retarded
one of the rare stories where the MC is NOT a power-fantasy of some stunted incel. rare also is the fact that MC actually DOES care about the world he's in, that there's no overt racism, no hateful revenge plots and no brain-dead face slapping. there's also not much water or poison even. i can already guess that a lot of people would dislike this because they'll see him not wanting to seizing complete power and wanting to cooperate with government-like institutions (not just "Daxia" he's open cooperation with all countries!!) to deal with the global crisis of the demon invasion but just ignore those they couldn't be more wrong and probably have horrible reading comprehension skills.