~619.6 hour of reading·37176 chapter read
Jun 5, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #427


the plot related to Helena is horrible and disgusting, honestly this author has a serious problem in her brain! every time the mc goes out, he comes across one of the heroines, this level of """"coincidence"""" is abused
Well, I didn't go far to see the clichés or how the author goes against the grain, one thing is sure his writing style is just horrible for me, the paragraphs are long, the chapters too, but it's the kind of novel where I would have preferred to have chapters of 1000 words directly than chapters of 5k words to finally have more than half as just descriptions to rearrange, maybe before I would have taken the time to go further, but I don't have the time, nor the desire. well, first black point for me, I don't like the author's writing style at all, he writes a lot to say little, in each paragraph he gives a description of the mc, in each paragraph he gives so much useless description, which often spoils the information he wanted to pass on because before even arriving at the main information, you need to read 3/4 lines of purely useless filler, I can understand that we write from time to time the mc, or the way a character acts or reacts, but the fact that at each point he is about to speak, it's just annoying. @Knowledge thanks for your answer! I'll read further then, because now you're clearly making me want to :D I give 5* only because I don't want to change the actual rating of the novel without a real opinion, but in any case I don't have much hope. @PearTree I don't know if you've recently started reading novels online, but saying that this novel is different explains everything :'( in any case for me the beginning ticks all the clichés, mc in a big family, with a weak body, his resources have been stolen, very close to his servant, well I see nothing new, as cliché as 99.99% of novels of the same type, in short to do with the execution, but honestly the beginning does not make you want or trust this author.
edit final!: What is frustrating with this kind of novel is that the author says fuck all common sense, magical world or not common sense exists, and there the author has turned it around and wants us to believe that it is logical, bro something illogical will remain so, magical world or real world! Trash novel, I strongly advise against it. "Gion wasn't very disappointed, as if in his eyes, it was normal not to be able to beat Raleigh." Well I reached my limit with the bullshit of this brainless author, to transform the only strong woman in the navy into this after losing 2 times, I can see the end of this shit very well, come on if I could give less than one star, I would have done it without hesitation, but at the same time that I saw the author write that Garp had the yonko level, that I understood that we are in front of a stupid pro admiral, a weakened yonko level, we saw a weakened yonko to the extreme, white beard and we saw what he can do even being weakened, then we saw Garp lie down after two attacks... and we didn't dare say that Garp is competent we attack unlike a white beard, otherwise... Moonl2ed he is mentally retarded bro, he just forces things like with 99% of novels with this kind of system, they always have to force the mc into stupid plots where he is forced to work. first fight extremely stupid, really the author transformed the first enemy of the mc team into a complete idiot, or worse, the guy has a natural type fruit and didn't use it before all his men were dead??? what's the fucking point? or where to use it from the beginning and crush all these sailors? I want to believe that the author is an idiot, but there he takes his readers for brainless and just for that it's -5*, go fuck! a mc who cleaned up an entire sea thinks he didn't contribute enough, really this author has gone beyond the word stupidity, he is just mentally retarded!
"The function of this game board is also simple, that is, to help players practice martial arts. As long as they have just started practicing martial arts, they can be displayed on the board, and then they can continue to improve their skills and be promoted without bottlenecks!" the game board he developed before he died, but what the hell is its use if you weren't dead? or at least just say that by I know how lucky I was I had a mysterious panel, it's more credible, a game panel where it serves no purpose other than to display the progression but lol, yes in this world where it serves you to not have a blockage in your progression it's cool, but in our world if you create this stupid panel you can just play yourself, if there's even an interest in playing yourself xd zero creativity... and yes I'm in a super bitter world, but at the same time I'm a little fed up with these copy and paste without any fucking attempt to create something more original, even the excuses of the system are all the same...
I hate the beginning, especially the fact that he keeps talking about cultivation... damn cultivation in the world of hunter x hunter...
I've seen 3 to 5 fairy tail fanfics and all 5 have become members of the fairy tail guild, so I might as well not write a fanfic, especially since most of them follow natsu and his team xd having seen fairy tail several times, it's just boring to read. a world this vast and reproducing almost everything identically, what the fucking point...
Is this your novel or is the MC extremely careful but problems always fall on him, does he drink water? someone doesn't like the way he drinks water so he decides to kill him, he goes out with his left foot or instead of his right foot and someone saw him and didn't like it and decided to kill him, he walks down the street and the street gang doesn't like him and decides to kill him, seriously, it's just ridiculous and absurd, or at least the arrogant MCs we understand why there are always problems around him, but here it's just absurd to the extreme, no matter how careful the MC is, he is always provoked, even in a crowd of Rondome, and the MC is a Rondome thanks to these Rondome, he gets targeted, just because the author decided that it's going to be like that, in short it's stupid and ridiculous, I like the careful and intelligent MCs who avoid unnecessary fights, but even if the MC is extremely careful, the author shits problems in his face all the time and for no damn reason.
damn the more the author makes revelations from these inner warriors at rank 4 of qi, the more it ruins my mood, the author should have just let his mc go out and see a little of the world and at the same time buy information, but no simple warriors have so much information that it's absurd, in short it pisses me off, go bye besides, what is the fucking point of revealing almost all the information and history of the second world so quickly, directly 90% of the mystery of a world has been revealed, and the worst by people so weak who lived almost in the world with a negligible level of cultivation, stupid idea! I don't like the fact that such weak warriors can know so much about the history of the second world of the mc, and especially for a magical world having 8000 years as an age is ridiculously little, it stinks of a novel without any depth, but hey when you know that the author tells the story of the 2nd world by simple warriors who have difficulty surviving, well you have an idea of ​​its depth, I just hope that this story is bullshit answered otherwise this novel is going to be a hell of a disappointment!
-Death_012 extremely stupid reflection, if she leaves him let her leave him, she can live her life without him as he can live his life without her, and if at some point she makes a move against him, then yes it is understandable (I haven't read the novel yet, but I'm sure the author will make her act like that...) to eliminate this threat, but just because his girlfriend left him then we have to kill her, please what kind of thinking is that? Besides, just in chapter 1, she wasn't mean to him, she told him that it's over between us, certainly not the best news to hear, but it's a choice! she only started making fun of him when he wouldn't stop whining so he wouldn't leave her, but wtf, what kind of man is he, his woman goes with another man, and he cries for her to stay with him (that's what blocked me the most with this novel), then later he decides to take revenge xd this mc is shit! -there is no need to get revenge on her ex, she made a choice that was certainly questionable, but in no case did she have the obligation to stay with him forever, just as you can leave your wife, she can leave you too, sometimes for good reasons, other times for selfish reasons, that's life, you have to deal with it, even in China, it's just that I have the impression that this author is very narrow-minded xd I must admit that I didn't like the beginning.