~246.2 hour of reading·14771 chapter read
Jul 6, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #1471


The story itself is very straight forward. Not much twists and turns. What could be expected of an MC with a system? He would dominate the game industry. The games detail descriptions are more of a distraction, which I skipped.
I don't remember how I decided to read this one. From the title, this is not something I would read. However, a few chapters in, I am hooked. Well written, nicely developed plot. Why not 5 stars? Good question, I just felt it could have been better.
The MC has the ability to go to a wizarding world and be "Wizard"-like with his cultivation in that world. Then take back resources to help in the cultivation world. The story itself and the MC is fine, there isn't anything that is off putting. It's just not great enough for me to wait for the daily updates. The traveling between the world sort of breaks the continuity And the story is not compelling enough to keep my interest.
Despite the title, this is a great novel (so far - 225 Chapters). A new power system, a unique golden finger, a well written storyline (so far). Most important of all, the author properly concluded the side characters. Unlike many others who introduce side characters and then just disappear without any proper wind down. I can't say what the future chapters will be, but so far, this is a 5 stars.
So far (394 chapters), this is one of the better novels. Not perfect, but definitely a cut above most. The author likes to cut one from one area to another, making it a bit disorienting and the readers would have to read further to know the scene has switched. Storyline is good, there are some inconsistencies but doesn't distract from the overall plot. Ugh, now I have to wait for daily updates.
I was enjoying it till chapter 72. I can't get pass the illogical setup. The MC at 9th level Qi Refining, was captured by a being who can kill golden core monster in a blink of an eye. Though weakened, this being sucked the blood of MC to recover a little bit. Now, they sign contract to exchange blood for guidance. The power disparity is so wide, why sign contract? The prior 72 chapters, the author established how ruthless immortal cultivators are, now the MC suddenly met someone who is so powerful but willing to treat him well instead of treating him like a blood slave? What gives?
The main problem with this novel is the translation. With the movies' storyline mixed in, it makes it difficult to read (and I usually just glanced through them). The translation had so much difficulty with percentages, money figures it becomes meaningless. 4 ⭐ is a bit generous, perhaps 3-3.5 ⭐ is more appropriate.
A collection of tropes put together in a single novel. Not too bad, but lots of logical holes that the author forcefully covered to make the story interesting.
Initially it was comical, so sort of fun. Then, same formula again and again. Ugh!
Not bad. Pretty straight forward plot so far. Would have given it 4 ⭐ but the update frequency is just too low and inconsistent. It might be better to put it off and read when it is completed.