~469.0 hour of reading·28138 chapter read
Jan 19, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #670


it's guano. Waste of time. MC running around telling every single soul about a future and doing shit.
Mc choices are to forced by the plot. The is no freedom in his actions. He is always chased and he can't to a shit about it. He's fighting style is dumb. His ability is good but he is not.
The most precious thing about this ff is mc's tactics. When you reading fighting moments you feel that it is HxH truly. Mc is not OP and his golden finger is not OP. He compensate lack of combat power with wits. Ending is bland - it just ended.
Its good. This ff opens the curtain on the Dark Continent. Many speculations in the original story find answers in this ff. For many, the dark continent evokes utter horror, because there is no escape from disasters and there is no way to defeat them. At least here there is a chance.
Full-time Artist
Jul 28, 2024
Well... I must say almost all Chinese songs in this novel suck ... They are so damn boring, when listening you don't feel a sh*t. Music is international language and all ppl know that no matter what language song sang - if it is good - it is good - as simple as that and almost all songs here cause yawning or don't cause anything. And i must point out that main line is music... (AT said it himself in last chapter). I managed to read 400+ch and then skipped to last few chapters. Overall all mc actions are quite robotic - without passion - just finish current job and start next just like an assembly line worker. Is it readable - yes. Would i recommend to read it - not rly, but you can try and make your own judgment.
Dude not a singer but storyteller
Stopped at 240 ch. It's quite boring. Mc is composer but most of the time he doing anything but writing music. Well AT saying that he doing it but that all. And finished music consist of 2-4 real music peaces and their titles are at the bottom of the chapter, so while reading you have no ideas wtf is playing right now and if you want to know you must listen to 2-4 pieces of music back to back and self imagine how it all sounds together and sometimes there no music author name... Wasted time. I don't know wtf ppl were thinking when they posted 5 star reviews
Good job. I wanted to read something relaxing, cause i'm sick and tired of action novels. AT did research and did great work. That novel have depth. Its not just states that mc did good job and thats all. AT meticiosly depicts what emotions MC conveying through text and he doing it damn good. There a lot of water in novel but it could be skiped without losing anything (box office statistics). Good read, i recommend!
My Divine Diary
Jun 27, 2024
Its quite good. This novel is manifestation of phrase: knowledge is a power. Mc constantly learning and exploring himself and works around him, analysing and making progress. Good read, if i was transmigrated it would be my plan, not to dominate but to learn.
Well... It's readable. But il novel is just chests opening game. Dude grow plants and reap system rewards, that all. And it's slow. Good point there is no "junior you dare" or "you are courting death". Overall it's plain but not bad, not that wuxia shit that we read 100500 times